Chapter 13

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Diamond POV

"Mr. Endrizzi please have a seat" my voice is stern and I know my face replicates my annoyance for having to even deal with this situation all for a mere million. I am beginning to lose my patience with them or more so Wesley. If he didn't bring our money I'm not entirely sure he'll walk out unharmed or Mr. Endrizzi as well if he decides to interfere.

Ren and I shake Mr. Endrizzi's hand showing our respect to him before the three of us sit down ignoring Wesley he's not in our good standings and I'm making sure he knows.

Wesley's face grows red as we disregard his existence and I can tell somebody not on his dick is a weakness for him.

"Mr. Endrizzi we have done business together for a long time and we have never had any issues or complications. We respect each and this is the first time a payment was not complete that is why we are dealing with this situation with a great deal of patience."

" However, that is quickly wearing thin with your son." I say as he nods his head intently showing that he understands the meaning behind my words.

"Mr. Endrizzi you and my father are very close but unfortunately your son has squandered any further business with the Maxwell's. While I will love to continue our business and friendly relationship with you I understand if you can not do so because of your son." Ren says with a straight face everyone knows how the Maxwell's are about their money that is the quickest way to get a bullet between the eyes.

"I understand completely and I apologize to the both of you for my son's irresponsibility incompetence and disrespect. Not only has he embarrassed my operation but the Endrizzi name as well. I wish we can continue business with both of you. And I assure you there will be no more complications or I will personally handle it for you." Ren and I both nod not smiling yet there is still something we are missing.

"Now regarding our payment we have both added 10% interest onto the owed payment. We expect this to be fulfilled by midnight." I say smirking at Wesley's pissed off expression.

"Now just wait a minute-" he speaks out but Ren quickly cuts him off.

"Mr. Endrizzi its a pleasure as always and to you Wesley you have nothing to be upset about. This was a mere trial you still could not deliver" she says and I can hear the tension in her voice. I'm just waiting for her to shoot this boy. So I raise my hand as Wesley begins to argue with us.

"Mr. Endrizzi always a pleasure if you don't mind we'd like to have a couple of words with your son." Mr. Endrizzi shrugs and puts his long coat on.

"He made his own way here he can make it the same way back. Give my regards to your father" With that he leaves taking over half his guards with him leaving Wesley with two.

"So there's no confusion or further mistakes you will be getting all of my money along with the Maxwell's by midnight tonight" I say making my way towards him my hittas automatically surrounding him and his 2 guards all equipped with Heckler & Koch Mp5's.

"Our patience and kindness with you is terminated and has been since you could not follow through with a simple payment." I'm beyond over Wesley at this point the only reason he is still alive is because of his father.

But I'm done with his spoiled lil bitch boy attitude. I move my head to the side and all my shootas aimed and ready to fire. Wesley is fuming but he keeps his mouth shut wise man.

"Now for the final time you will get our money by midnight or you will truly understand the extent of my vexation concerning you and this matter. Now leave and don't make us have to come find you."

With that I light a blunt and have my men escort him out Wesley leaves cussing in Italian but I know his ego is bruised so all I do is laugh.

Dylan comes in after Wesley leaves "nice work we'll keep a tag on him but I doubt he tries to run" I tell 2 of my guards to go ahead and follow after them. Maggie and Dylan give Ren and I a hug and soon leave as well.

"Playing no games" Ren says walking out with me smirking as she goes to her fire engine red Lamborghini Veneno Roadster while I head towards my McLaren P1 LM.

"Money gotta be made."

"Let's get it then." She says and we both hop in our cars and go our separate ways. I rev my engine and speed up as I hit the freeway I know I'm not invincible but while I was alone in my car I can freely say...

"Damn it feels good to be a boss."

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