Part 2

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bella pov

jacob had just left. he was really cute, and so sweet and nice. he had the best smile. i haven;t felt this happpy since edward my ex vampire boyfriend. he juts left me in the forest alone. someone i think named sam found me and brought me home. when jake left and we hugged he was so warm, and i felt tingles. i was in my room. i had another nightmare and jake was there to see it happen. i hate edward for leavin me, ever since he left i have been getting these nightmares. he put me through so much, and now i need to move on. maybe jake will help me, and he not even realize he is. he already did today. he was the first person i have talked to since edward. maybe i can start talking to my other friends soon. but just warm uo to it. maybe uick hi's t them, then start sitting with them again. get back to the old bella. not this depressed bella i have been this whole time. i smile to myslef. i am going t the beach with jake tomorrow. maybe some of my friends will l be there. i did here them talking about going this weekend. maybe i can introduce them to jake. if they even notice me there. they might think i am someone else that looks like bella. i mena they would think i am talking to a complete staranger, and not come and talk to them first. i wonder what kikes reaction would be. he has had a crush on me for a little while now. i wonder of he will want to punch jake or something. i don't know, ut all i know is i am tired and need some sleep. maybe tomight will be better. i turn off the light and go to bed. 

the next day

i wake up about 11. man, i haven't had a good sleep in a long time. this was cool, having some sleep for once. i have some time before i need to get ready to go to the beach with jake. i pick up the phone and see i have messeges from my mom. 

]voice mail

hey baby,  heard jake was in twon, tell him i said hi. i hope this can get you back to normal. love you, talk yo you soon baby. 

my mom really does care about me, i love her, and i feel bad i have made her worried about me. i feel bad for makiing charlie worry about me. charlie is an amazing dad, and he does everything bhe can to help me. but i just pushed him away. maybe later we can hang out and have some father daughter time when we both get back., i know i ammaking dinner tonight cause charlie can't cook at all. he has been getting take out for a while, and i think he needs a home cooked meal, i woiuld have to go to the store tponight though. we have niothing in the house. maybe i would get a stake. i look at the clock and see it is njow 2:30. i got ready and headed to the truck. i start ]driving to la push. i get there and i see jacob sitting on the sand. i saw my friends van too. i knew they were going to be here. i hgead to jake. " hey" i must have startled him cause he jumpoed almost into the air. " hey bella" he says getting up. " how are you?" i ask. " i'm good, you?" he asks. ;' i'm fine." : bella?" i hear mike call. " i turn around and see my friends looking at me confused. "hey" i say. " how ar you guys" " how are we, how are you? we haven't seen you in ages it feels like." mike says. "i'm fone" i say. " well, i'm going with jake here". " bye angela says. " " wait, you can't just not talk to us, and then show up at the beach, to meet witha stramger!" mike says. " he isn't a stranger, he is a friend, i am here toi hang out with him cause i haven't seen him since we were kids". i say. he looks taken aback. " hey bella, i need to show you soething" jake says. i nod and walk off wiht him. i didn't hear anything from mike after that. we go into the woods. " now, this m ight seem stranger, but here goes northing.;" he says. the all of a sudden there is a giant wold where jake use to be. he runs into thw oods and comes back as jake, but with no shirt? surpirsingly that didnt' scare me that he turned into a big huge wolf. bur then again, i have a ex vampire boyfriend. "that was awesome!" he smiles. " your not freaked?" "no, i mean i am a bit surprised, but other wise than that, i'm fine". i smile. "well, i need to tell you something else too, i imprinted ion you". he says. i giove a confused looked. he chuckles. "imprinting is like, when you see her, it's not the gravity holding you down to the ground anymore, you do anything she needs, be anything she needs. i protect, a brother. bella, your my soulmate." he says. i stand there blank, not knowing what to do. "bella, you okay there?" he asks. i snap out of it and look at him. "yeah, it's just a lot to take in, i don't think i am ready top be in a relation ship, not after" i stop there. i didn't want to tell him to much. it still stings to even think about him. he hurt be badly, and i don't want to show that yo jacob. i mean, i am his soulmate somehow?! "not after what?" he asks. "nothing, i just need time before i get into a relation ship, okay?" "i understand, you take your time, just know i am here for you. oh and some of my buddies really want to meet you. they said after i told you to take you back to sam's and emily's house." i say. "who are they?" "my pack. sam is the alpha, emily is sam's imprint." "oh" she says. "yeah, and i have to obey sam, he said for me to take you to his house ater everything and i can't not take you there, so, will you please come to the house, because if you don;t i might not makw it till morning. they always attack me of i talk about a girl and i never take her to see them. it's quite funny really, but still hurts." i say. "sure, lets go." she says with a smile. "and what about others girls?" she asks. "oh, really nothing, just some friends that they always think i  am dating or something. i have never actually dated in my life." "really?" "yeah" "that's hard to believe" she says. i smile and laugh. "come on, the house is just this way" i say. we reach the house. "jacob! i see you brought her" sam says. i laugh. i turn around adn she looks shy. "bella, this is sam, the one i told you about, the alpha." she smiles. "hi bella, how are you?" sam asks her. "just fine, and you?" she asks. "just fine". "bella, come meet the rest of the pack." i say. we walk in and paul, leah and seth are there, along with emily "bella, this is paul, seth, leah, and emily". i say. "hi bella" they all say. "want a muffin" emily asks. bella only nods no and stay behind me. wow i didn't know how shy bell was. "well, we better get going" i say. i turn around and bella looks a little more relaxed. we leave and get back to the beach. "you okay? yo seemed tense back there?" "i'm just shy with new people." "oh that's okay, they don't bite." "i see what you did there" she says and we both start laughing our heads off. god her laugh is so adrable. 


jake drops me off at home. "i'll see ya later" he says. "see ya later". he gives me a quick hug and leaves. i walk into the house. "hey dad, i'm going to the store soon, what do you want for dinner?" "you don;t have to cook bella, i can just order take out." "no i want to cook tonight, i'm trying to get back into the way things were. oh and kae told me everything, he told me about the wolves and the imprinting thing, and that you know all about it too." "okay, so i don;t have to keep that a secret anymore. " he says. i laugh and grab some cash. " see ya later dad" "alright" he calls from the living room turning on the game again. i get in the car and turn on the heater. i drive to the store and get, water, juice, stake, and some snack. i pay for all of that and go outside. before i make it t the car i see jacob and billy. "jake?billy?" i yell. jacob looks at me. he smiles on runs over. "bella!" he says and pulls me into a big bear hug. this felt safe, warm, everything a girl ever wanted. he let go of me to soon in my opinion. "hey, bella" billy says as he comes over here. "hey  billy, how was you day?" i ask. "just fine, what about you". "just fine" "well, i better get going, my dad hasn't had stake for a long time" i laugh. "see ya bella" billy says. "i'll see ya later" jacob say to me pulling me into another bear hug. "see ya later jake" i say. he goes with his dad and i get in my truck. i get home and start cooking dinner. finally, it's getting back to how it use to be. oh crap! i have to go to school tomorrow. thank god i had no homework for the weekend. "the stakje willl be ready i about 30 minutes!" i yell to my dad. "thats cool bells" he says. i walk into the living room and sit on the couch. "so i ran into jake and billy while i was ther" "really? thats cool" "yep" "oh, your mother called, told me to tell you that she is coming here for a couple f days, wanting to see you. she heard about you getting better and jake here so she just wanted to see. plus she wanted to see jake." "thats cool, it would be nice seeing mom again, it has almost been 3 years." "yeah, it would be great to see your mom for me too, haven't seen her since you were a kid." i smile. the stake was finally done and we ate. "well, i have school, so i am going to bed." "cool, see ya tomorrow bells" he says. "night dad. "night" i go up stairs and change. hopefully i will get a goodnight sleep, now that i have jake. 

a/n:hey guys, long chapter! worked on it for two days. but i am also working on my other stories so.. yeah. i was kinda stuck here. lol, okay, next chapter should come soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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