Part 1

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jacob pov

i was in the car with my dad, heading to our friend charlie swans we were moving back to forks, after moving away. when  we moved away, his daughter bella moved here. i haven't seen her in 10 years. we use to be friends when we were kids. we use to make mud pies together. we i am a what they call a werawold. i can pahse into a wolf nwhen i want. there is a thing called imprinting. i haven;'t done it yet, but i hope i do soon. impritning is like, the gravity around you isn't keeping you to the ground anymore, but is this girl that you see infront of yo, and you  protect her no matter what. you be whatever she needs, a protect, a brother. i want that feeling. oi want to imprint like sam did on emily. because i phased we had to move back to forks, so i can be with the pack. charlie knows everything about the wolves. not only are there wolfs, but there are vampires. yeah, i know, you think i'm crazy, but it is true! us wolfs try to priotect the humans from them. but there are these vampires called the cullens. we have a treaty with them, so we can't attack each other. but there are others like victoria. bella doen't know about us, i don't think so at least. reached charlies and he came outide. "hey billy, jacob"! he yells. "charlie!" my dad says. they hug. "how are you? hows bella?" my dad asks. "could be better, shes going through a rough time right now, me and her mom have been thinking that she should move to jacksonvill to live with her. thniking that getting out of this town will help". "what happened?" i ask. before charlie could say anything we hear a ear piercing scream come from the houe upstairs. "that would be bella" he says and runs up. i run up with him. i see her screaming and shifting in her bed harshly. "bella? bells!" her dad screams. she wakes up finally and stops screaming. "bella? are you okay?" her dad asks. " yeah, i'm fine, just another bad dream." she says. bella, i want you to meet/see again, jacob. she looks up at me embarrassed. "hey, jacob." " hey bella." "i'll leave you two to talk." he says. she sits up in her bed. "sorry you had to see that" she says. "no, it's fine". she gives a weak smile. i then look into her eyes, and everything goes away, like it is just me and her. and it is like the gravity isn't holding me to the ground anymore. did i just imprint on bella swan? i just got to see her again, and i imprint on her? wow, this thing works fast. 

we talk a little a get to know each other. "and then my mom comes in the closet and asks what was wrong and why i was in there, i then said in my tiny voice, mom, i suck. i then hear her laugh and she says, you don't suck honey." we both are laughing our heads off by now. we hear the door open and charlie is there. "sounds like you guys are getting a long just fine." "yeah we are dad." "you should come and see billy. he's been wanting to see you for a long time now". i'll be down in a minute." says. he nods and closes the door. "hey wanna maybe hang out at the beach tomorrow. it's the la push beach." yeah, col, some of my friends and i went there so i know where it is". "cool, can't wait." we walk down stairs. "bella swan! look at you!" my dad yells. "hey billy." they hug. i give my dad "we need to talk really quick look". "i wil be right back, jacob come with me. we go outside. "what is it son?" " i imprinted on bella". i say. "alrigh, well once we leave, we need to talk to sam about this. found out when we can tell her everything/ we should tell charlie though". i nod. " we will tell him when we leave okay jake?" i only jod again and we walk inside. "sorry about that, just had to talk to jake really quick. jac, bella, how about you guys go upstairs." he says. "okay, come on jake" she says. we walk upstairs and sit on the bed. "so what time should we head to the beach?" she asks. " i don't know, how about 1" i say. " yeah, that will be cool. mt dad already say it was okay and everything. he is going fishing with a friend lie always." she chuckles. "jake, come on, we have to go!" ,y dad yells from downstairs. " it was great getting to see yo again" i say. "yeah it was, see ya tomorrow. she says smiling a bright smile. we hug and i help my dad in the car and setting the wheel chair in the back. we drive off. " you told charlie right?" "yes, he isn't going to send her to Jacksonville, to live with her mom." then i had remebered that he said that, thank god he in=sn't going to send her there. that would nit be greta for me imprinting on her and then her just leave. before i had even looked into her eyes, i thought she was the most beautiful women i had ever seen in my life. i should have known that she was going to be the one. we reach sam's and emily's house. "sam? you here?" " im here" i hear him say. "whats uo jake?" " i imprinted in someone today." " you did! thats amazing! does he know about us?" " no,  but her dad does, and he knows i imprinted on her." " okay, well tell her the next time you see her." " thats great! i am meeting up wiht her tomorrow!" " alright, bring her to see that pack after you hguys hang out for a little" " alright" i say. i leave the house and we head home. i get to se and tell bella tomorrow, i juts hope she doesn't freak out. 

a/n: hey guys, yes i am back. sorry i havent updated all summer, but this account was on my school computer and i finally am back in this account. sorry for anymistakes, this is a really weird keyboard and the mouse is weird to, so i am sorry. if anyone has ideas for this story please comment below. if you want me to do another story comment what you want me to do, hopefully i will know it. but please don't comment anything about anime because i don't watch anime. don't even watch pokemon, i despise pokemon. so yeah. please comment what you guys thin about this story, and if you haven't read my other stories and go check thoughs put too. this is getting really long so i am going to go. love you guys so,much. thank you for reading my stories!

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