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     This was not good. In fact, it was ruining all of his plans to get the girl, and her ‘boy’ friend. He gagged at the memory from that coffee place. He shuddered and jumped from his hiding spot on the roof.

     He flipped and turned in the air and landed quietly and softly on his feet, no pain soaring through his legs. He ran swiftly in the shadows until he came to the run down door that he police had made. Their cars were still in front, still running, and lights still flashing.

    He sneaked in and around the corner, lurking in the shadows. He could hear voices upstairs, and knew that they were all up there. Looking around, all he could see was a mass graveyard of bodies, some soak in their blood, some with eyes and mouths gaping wide open, some looked as if they were smiling.

    He turned his attention to upstairs, were one door was wide open and the light on. Four figures were in the room.

    He run quietly and jumped, landing on the railing. As he landed, it groaned softly, it was quiet, but it was enough to draw one of the four people out of the room.

    He dived into the corner cloaked by his hooded cape and the shadows.

   The person that came out was a girl, with short hair that was pulled out of her face into a ponytail. She had a stern look on her face and look around with eagle eyes. When she turned to look back into the room, his eyes widened in surprise by what he saw on her neck: ‘A’. He then realised who she was: Shadow.

    He mentally hit himself in the face for not being more on guard. Her twin swords, the guns, the ASSASSINS OUTFIT!?!?!

    How dare she! He grinned evilly. Now, not only will he get what he wants, but he will get his prize… finally.

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