FIFTEEN : standing out

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It's not very easy to make a book stand out on Wattpad. There are millions upon millions of fanfictions out there.

But it's not impossible. Here a few tips I've found have worked lovely:

i. book cover

Never judge a book by its cover, right? No. We all do it. It's nothing to be ashamed about. The cover of the book draws a person in to a book. If you have a unique cover, people will most likely start reading your book because it will catch their attention. So, have a bright or colorful, or dark and interesting, cover.

ii. descriptions

I'm going to sound like a major hypocrite because I don't have a good description on literally any of my books. I just state the seasons the books contain, and the love interest. Of course, this works just as well, but usually people are drawn to books with detailed descriptions. Most people put a quote, which is often what gets my attention, but others just explain the story. Either way is compelling enough.

Basically, just make sure you have a detailed description/quote. It attracts people.

iii. tags

This has more to do with the fact that your story will actually come up when someone is searching up 'Bellamy Blake' or 'Raven Reyes' or 'Clarke Griffin'. If you use a lot of tags (literally every single tag you can think of that correlates somehow with the story) there is a better chance of it coming up. Especially when the votes, comments, and views go up.

So, use a lot of tags.

iv. fresh ideas

Exactly what the title says. There are so many overused ideas, like the siblings DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON SIBLINGS, that I usually just stop reading a book when they are continuing with the same OC as every other fanfiction on this site.

If you have an OC pair of siblings, cool. I'll read that. If you have a Grounder or male OC, I'll read that. These are ideas that are not often used, which means they are FRRRREEEESSSSHHHH. People like fresh ideas. We don't like reading the same things over and over again.

v. male OC

You already know my opinions on male OC's. I LOVE THEM. Doesn't mean you have to have a male OC, obviously, but it's unique (@jeffatkins if you know what I mean).

vi. frequent updates

I'm a hypocrite, I know. I literally haven't updated my Bellamy Blake fic in almost a week (I'M WORKING ON IT I SWEAR). But readers LOVE when a writer updates a lot. If they see that you update regularly, then that might compel them to read your story.

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