29: an inevitable situation

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A few days after the little bus ride I had with Jungkook, an impending sense of doom begun to settle in my heart.

"Soojung..." my brother looks over to me with an incredulous expression; a look that displayed a certain peculiarity. It was as if he's seen a phenomenon, a situation so otherworldly it's impossible to presume it's reality.

He's standing in front of the bulletin board. And pinned to it, were results of the final year exam.

As I approached the board, my eyes read a small font of words indicating the positions of students. I haven't been expecting much, so I directed my eyes slightly below, in which a particular name immediately caught my eye.



I was beyond shocked. I was flabbergasted. How was it possible, and why?




Even after that position shift, Jungkook seems to win me by a meager amount of marks; but I wasn't worried about that- it was common ground, and it's not like i haven't seen myself fell short to his antics. It was his position....a 2nd rank. 'The first loser', as Jungkook implied.

"Soojung..." I heard a familiar, deep voice call to me behind my back. Jungkook's arm begins to wrap around my waist, pulling me into his chest lovingly. This was what he did to me everyday ever since we've started dating- intimate touches of a boyfriend. But nobody's complaining, at least to me.

"Did you see..." I looked up shyly at him, trying my best to keep pokerface.

"Yes I did, and I'm screwed." Jungkook chuckles, uncaring of the fact that he's probably about to be whooped in the ass at home. His household wasn't just strict. When his grades fall, the world crushes down with him; and yet he's still being so carefree...why?

"Soojung," his expression suddenly turns serious; the cold hues of his eyes staring deeply at me. "I have something I need you to do for me."


I didn't have time to finish my sentence when Jungkook pulls me away, not before bowing to Yoongi to acknowledge that he's borrowing me for a while. It took me time before I noticed that he's heading straight to the pharmacy ward. Oh God.

"...sit here." Jungkook says nonchalantly as he sits on the pharmacy bed, tapping his lap. What? Since I'm hesistating to move, he gently hoists me up and sat me comfortably on his lap, his dark eyes observing me very, very closely- and lustfully.

"baby, I need you to listen carefully." He says carefully, the tips of his cold fingers sending shocks down my spine as he caresses my cheek. "I need you to take off my shirt."

"....okay." I answered obediently, unquestioning of his requests at that point in time. There was a certain lust in the atmosphere- I unbuttoned his uniform shirt carefully and agonizingly slowly, teasing him in a playful manner. Jungkook gazes at me with an impatient, sexy glare as his chest moves up and down, his breaths growing heavier by the minute as I moved even further down his shirt. Oh god, what am I doing with him? But I never stopped to enquire. Jungkook bites his lower lip as he stared intently at me. I however, was fully focused on the ridges of his abs that ran down his abdomen. I ran my fingers through it, causing Jungkook's lips to curve up into an imprudent smirk. "Enjoying it?" he whispers into my ear mischievously.

One or two minutes passed before Jungkook instructs me again. "Next....I need you to mark me here." he points at the nape of his neck.

He plunges my face onto his neckline, prompting me to mark him- and so i did. My lips suctioned tightly on his bare skin, creating red marks that filled the sides of his collarbone and all around his neck. The sensations seem to send tingles to Jungkook as he lets out a heavy exhale; indicating how good I was making him feel. And knowing I did that made me feel ecstatic.

"good girl." he rests his head vulnerably on my shoulder, circling his thumb around my palm. "that felt amazing."

Another moment of silence passed before he looks at me in the eyes, his once intense stare boiling down to sadness. "Do you want to know why I asked you to mark me?" He asks, and I nod.

"You see, me and my parents had an agreement if my grades ever dropped...." He embraces me tighter, as if I'm going to leave. "That is..."

"You have to meet my parents."


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