(5) Burn

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"It's raining?" Younghyun states, puzzled "It hasn't rained for the past 2 weeks. I thought rainy days are over."

Shifting your gaze from the raindrops falling hard outside to the cup of coffee in front of you, you let out a soft breath, feeling uneasy.

It's a blur Tuesday and without anything interesting happening, you spend the afternoon sipping coffee with Younghyun and Wonpil.

For the past 2 weeks, the weather has been fair. And every single afternoon, you meet with the Chicken Guy as if there's a silent agreement that you'll both see each other at the usual place after your work. You've gone to different food joints, had fun on arcades, played basketball and badminton, indulged in video games, and took delight in small chitchats or even long serious confabs.

Also, for those weeks, Younghun has been constantly asking you to have coffee together. Other times though, he'd suddenly be assigned to work on something or he'd be called to the CEO's office. You find it weird sometimes; it's not yet alert week for the Audio Department so he should not have a lot of work for now, but it's been the opposite. It's as if fate is keeping Younghyun being close to you—or maybe it's just your imagination. Or maybe that's the case—only that it's not fate doing the work.

Three weeks ago, you'd be low key blithe if the rain falls. Right now, you can't help but be uneasy. Why hasn't he showed up last night? You unconsciously sigh which makes Younghyun take a glance on you. Maybe because of what happened last Saturday?

"There's a storm coming, I guess?" Wonpil remarks that just passes through your ears. It seems like all you can only hear are your thoughts. "I saw it on the news last night. They said it will rain hard for the following days"

Younghyun takes a glance at Wonpil, "Ah? Really?" then looks back at you "I don't watch news. I was asleep the whole evening"

With your face still cast down, you clasp the hot cup and sip from it. With another sigh, you carefully put it down before you sneeze.

"Are you okay?" Younghyun finally asks. "You've been sighing countlessly. You've also been sneezing since this morning"

"I'm fine," you smile faintly "maybe it's because of the weather."

Wonpil and Younghyun do not buy that excuse but let it slide anyway; knowing you won't tell what's bothering you even if they ask.

I can't tell them I walked home in the middle of heavy rain at almost midnight last night. Another sigh, Thank God I didn't get fever. You bite your lip, still not hearing what Younghyun and Wonpil are discussing. Was it really because of last Saturday?

"Can you please stop?" You muttered under your breath.

The blue-haired's eyes widened in surprise. He was just laughing his heart out, locked your head between his arm and chest before he ruffled your head. He was just being himself. He just did what he usually does. It's not his first time doing it to you so he was taken aback when you suddenly straightened up and told him coldly to stop.

He always flashes a sweet warm smile that makes your heart melt. He always bickers with you but he's also thoughtful. "You're such a tsundere," You told him one time when he threw his jacket on you saying he's feeling hot when his actual intention was for you to wear it because a random guy accidentally spilled his drink on you. He spends six days in a week with you but talks about the other girl with sparkling eyes and excitement in his voice.

If he's really into that girl, why does he always make you feel like you're something for him. Or does he only want a company everyday, a friend he can talk to and have fun with—and you're just misunderstanding things? You don't want to let it go further, you want to stop it before it's too late. You're getting too attached and your heart is being swallowed by your emotions—getting deeper and deeper day by day.

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