(4) Interest

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You've been staring at your ceiling for quite a while now. You roll over, for the nth time, to your left and puff out sharply. Your heart has also been throbbing wildly for hours; and it beats more extremely when a scene flashes in your mind.

"You were thinking about indirect kiss, aren't you? You want a direct one?"

You feel steam coming out from your face and you shake your head while kicking the air. You roll over to your right and ruffle your hair. Man, that Chicken! You glance at the digital clock on your bedside table. It's already 3:14 in the morning. You sit up and fix your eyes on your wall and once again think about what happened earlier.

His loud (coughs) adorable laugh spread the park after his remark. He was laughing so much from teasing you. You narrowed your eyes on him and slammed the bench as you leaned closer to him, making your left hand (the one you slammed on the bench) as a support. With your faces few inches apart from each other, you mumble, "You want to?"

His laughing stopped and looked at you, quite surprised with how close you were to him, his gaze shifted down to your mouth. You arched a brow as if challenging him. With a smirk, you lift your hand (now with a pretzel between your thumb and index which you sneaked from his cup) and put the pretzel between your faces before taking a bite from it, with gaze still darted on his.

You leaned back with a smug and stuff the rest of the pretzel you're holding to your mouth.

You stayed in the shed for another two hours just talking about random things again. It was almost 8:30 when he stood on the bench and fumbled something at the shed's ceiling. He was holding a clear umbrella when he stood still.

You creased your forehead, "You actually hid an umbrella there and you're only taking it out now?"

He did his favorite move—shrugging with a smug face. He went down the bench and opened the umbrella. "Dinner?"

You didn't decline. You're already hungry (and want to stay a little bit longer with him) so a dinner before going home isn't a bad idea.

You found it astounding how you spent every afternoon with him for five consecutive days; how the two of you spent time together as if you're good old friends; how you tease and bicker with each other; how you can talk about random things with easiness; how you eat snacks after work.

Doesn't it look like you're having an after-work date with him everyday?

You wave your hand trying to dismiss the thought. With a sigh, you get off from your bed and walk towards your computer unit.

"Fortnite? Overwatch? Far Cry? Hmm... what shall I play?" You continue scanning your games but in the end, you choose Minecraft.

You play until the sun's up. You look at your window and see that it's already bright outside. "Crap," you save your game and turn your computer off. You grab a sweater and take your keys before heading out.

You grab breakfast from the nearest diner and you're craving for coffee but decide not to drink one. You yawn as you walk back to your place, "Finally! Hope I'll be getting some sleep now"

You sleep the whole morning and it's already three minutes after 2pm when you wake up. Your grumbling tummy greets you. You take a shower and dress neatly, take an oversized hoodie and tie it on your waist, get a small sling bag and stuff your phone, wallet, and keys and head out for lunch.

You're walking near the chicken place when an arm rests on your head. Without taking a look, you roll your eyes, "Are you stalking me?"

He scoffs, "You wish, Dude" he ruffles your hair and puts his arm on your shoulder. "Must be fate," he chuckles

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