He's not here

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You were in the Green Lion with Pidge and Matt, getting back to Olkarion where the castle was. And it had been such a long journey overall, going from place to place, looking for Matt.

But as you looked at Pidge and Matt interacting with each other, you felt really happy. You were glad that she had finally found him. And even though they were still missing their father, they could now rely on each other at least.

Pidge had informed the others that you were on your way back and that you had found Matt. And as you were closing in on Olkarion, you saw that the place was really starting to get quite crowded, more people getting out of the castle all the time. It seemed that the others had helped some more refugees and retrieved people joining the coalition while you had been away.

When Pidge was readying to land the Lion, you saw Allura, Coran, Lance and Hunk heading towards you, like they had been waiting for you. And as the Lion was safely on the surface of Olkarion, you happily smiled at Matt. "So, welcome to Olkarion, our headquarters." You said, pointing outside. "Thanks. It was a pleasant ride." Matt said back while patting on Pidge's shoulder.

As you walked out of the Lion, the first ones to run at you were the Altean mice. And you couldn't help but laugh. You wouldn't have thought that they were the ones who had missed you the most. If you would have had to guess, you would have thought that it was Hunk.

"Hey, everybody." Pidge said delighted, looking at the others. "What a warm welcome." You said as you looked at their smiling faces. And when Matt came out of the Lion after you, everyone turned their attention to him. "This is my brother, Matt." Pidge proudly introduced him to everyone. "Hey, everybody." Matt said to them, waving his hand.

"Matt, this is Hunk, Lance, and Coran." Pidge introduced the first ones. "Hey." Hunk just said smiling. "Nice to meet you." Lance said while waving his hand. "Pleasure." Coran said quite casually. And then Pidge pointed at Allura. "And this is Princess Allura of Altea." She then introduced her. And that's when Matt's expression changed. Suddenly he seemed like he had seen something he wouldn't even believe.

"It is so wonderful to finally meet you, Matt." Allura greeted him kindly. But that's when Matt raised his voice. "Oh, my goodness! You are so beautiful!" He said, almost yelling. And straight after that Matt bowed to Allura. "It is my honor to meet you, Princess." He said, his voice changing to a lower tone as he flashed an flirtatious smirk at the same time. And you couldn't help but laugh, especially when you saw Pidge facepalming.

But that's when you heard a low growl from next to you. And you realised that Lance was looking at Matt with a murderous glare and a sour expression. And that made you just want to laugh more. "Lance, watch it or your face will stay like that." You said to him while trying to contain your laughter. But he just kept on glaring at Matt, not even answering you.

But just then Shiro arrived. And when Matt noticed him, his eyes widened again, but now with confusion. "Shiro?" He asked with a whisper, almost unbelieving as he immediately walked up to him. "It's so good to see you, um, sir." Matt said, holding out his hand towards him

But when Shiro took Matt's hand, he didn't shake it but instead pulled him into a hug. And Matt was first surprised, but quickly hugged Shiro back, probably quite baffled that he too was there. And as you looked at them, you were sure that Shiro felt really relieved to finally see him. Matt had been his crew, so he must have been happy that he was safe now.

When Shiro backed away from the hug, he looked at Matt for a moment genuinely smiling. "Pidge never gave up on finding you." He said to Matt, who immediately glanced at Pidge. And from his expression, you could see that he was proud of his sister. "Yeah, she can be pretty stubborn at times." He said while smirking at her. And you let out another laughter. "That's for sure." You said before Pidge glared at you to shut up.

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