Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

"All right, Ro, you have to stop following me. If your momma finds out, she'll want me dead even more than she does already," Jai told the black and red dragon as they both strode away from the encampment.

But Roshan just shifted one shoulder as if to shrug and followed him anyway.

"I thought you liked me? You really want to see me dead?"

He huffed out a breath and smoke came out his nose in tendrils into the air.

"Well, thanks."

For the past several nights, Roshan had followed Jai everywhere once Lyv was in her tent she shared with Thia and Laurel, even though he'd been worn out from flying for most of the day. Jai didn't understand the dragon's obsession with him, but he didn't mind the company whenever he would go to a nearby river to wash up or even to just lay under the moonlight and stars.

Now, as Jai headed to wash himself and his clothes, Roshan, which he lovingly shortened to Ro, walked behind him. His steps were heavier than they had been before, a combination of exhaustion and the fact that all the flying he had been doing over the last week and a half made him seem to grow. Hell, he definitely did.

When he and Erly were flying beside each other, Roshan was just slightly smaller than his momma dragon. He wasn't showing any signs of his growth slowing down either. According to Thia, he was going through a growth spurt, another reason he was probably more exhausted than usual.

But not too exhausted to follow Jai around at night once everyone had gone to bed.

Now, the dragon was watching him, his head resting on the ground a foot away, as he scrubbed at the grass and mud stains on his clothes. He could have easily gotten them out with magic, but he needed something to get his mind in order. He'd changed into new pants and tied back his damp hair but had yet to put on his tunic despite the chilly night. The heat coming off of Roshan was enough to keep him warm and comfortable.

"Lyv has been a lot happier these days, hasn't she?" Jai mentioned. "Why do you think that is, Ro?"

Roshan shifted his head from side to side as he huffed out a breath.

"You think it's because she is finally able to be herself?"

A hum reverberated through his chest.

"That's what I think, too."

Since they'd left Ayveri a week and a half ago, Lyv had definitely loosened up. There was no way it wasn't because she was finally able to be herself without having to make sure she didn't say too much. Even Gideon seemed more relaxed, though he would glare at Jai whenever he caught him staring at Lyv.

She never spoke to Jai, but he would catch her looking in his direction when they were riding. When he caught her, she would quickly look up at the dragons overhead or at whoever she was talking to. He wanted to talk to her, but she never gave him the time or the chance.

She did with Destan, though. Jai couldn't help but notice the backward shift in their relationship. Though Destan was still obviously smitten with her, his brother respected that she just wanted to be friends. For now, at least. There was no more hand holding or kisses to witness, but there were plenty of smiles and laughs. Lyv obviously enjoyed Destan's company no matter what the status of their relationship was.

Because of that, Jai continued to scrub at the stains with a little more force than he should have.

And paused after he laid his clothes against Roshan's back for a quick dry when he felt panic...not his own panic...course through him.

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