Chapter 3

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Cele's POV

I know that meeting the family was supposed to be awkward and everything... but it was just downright annoying now that almost every person in the room was glaring at me (except Mr Wayne, Mr Pennyworth and Dick). I ate quietly as the room was deathly silent other than the clinking of utensils when Damian suddenly bursts out, "She doesn't even deserve you Grayson."

Sigh... I always knew that they wouldn't accept me, but this kind of hurt a bit. At least enough to make me bite my lips, I'm sure Dick had noticed because he retorted, "But you don't even know  who the hell she is to Me." This had shut some of them up with the cold tone that was used, "It's okay Dick, it's not as though... I know them that well either. And their your family, not mine. My ones... never mind." 

I really honestly hadn't meant to make myself feel this depressed but it isn't as though I wouldn't. One is the fact I've always been jealous of Dick having a family, even if they aren't the best. I've just had me, myself and I.

All the god damned time.

Anyways Damian asked, "Well where are they?" The cold glare set on me.

"6 feet underground." I returned the glare with emotionless eyes before focusing on my food, ignoring the slight burning around my eyes. I am not about to show some weakness to these strangers, or Dick's family.  My stomach felt uncomfortable and the burning spread to my head as I coughed into my napkin, the red blood staining it slightly.

I quickly hide the cloth on my lap as I smile, "Anything else to ask? If not, Dick you really wanted to stay here for the week didn't you? You made me take that one week break from University anyways." Dick brightened up immediately and caused me to giggle gently, the slightest movement caused my headache to worsen.

Picking up the clean plate, I moved into the kitchen and rub my eyes furiously. I could hear arguments starting in the dining room and I hear Damian voice out, "She's probably only dating you for your money." I could feel my blood boiling but I keep my cool, this isn't the time to get angry.

I already earn enough on my own and I never really cared exactly as to whether or not he got his inheritance from Mr Wayne or not. Either way, it seems that they do so... ah well. "Little Blue!" Don't judge me... this is my nickname for him.

"Yes Little Red?" His reply marks out the silence from the rest of the room as I say, "I'm going to change, do you no where the toilet is?" He rushes into the kitchen and lifts me up much to my amusement. "I'll bring you there!" Sometimes, he is way too cute. As I giggle like a little girl that I could never be... I pick up my bag from the corner and get placed into the toilet, one of the biggest I've seen in my life.

_small note_

Yeah, I may have changed her character a bit, her basic backstory is that after her parents were killed, she was experimented on by the people who killed them. They wanted to make child soldiers, they almost succeeded. I'll further explain the story later in the story. Sorry for all the cliffhangers!!(i'm not good at writing)

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