Chapter 12

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So, the baby was fine, once that foul demonic liquid ran down my throat it was like the baby had been fed 1,000 pounds of sugar. The little sucker hadn't stopped kicking and moving around for the last two days. Within those days Dean complained how I was always getting up and going to the bathroom. Snapping back at him wasn't a choice, I dealt with his smart remarks and looks, how so I wanted to deck him in his precious little face.

I carded my fingers through my hair plopping down at the kitchen table, staring off into space. Dean's boots echoed up the steps, the basement door flew open and the demon came walking in. Dragging a beaten Castiel behind him. "Tell me, Castiel, where did my little brother run off to? Hm? I know you and he had a nice talk before he ran off." He passed by me dragging the angel by his hair, forcing him to sit in an old wooden chair. Grabbing some angel bounding chains he wrapped it around the male and locked them tight.

Cas rolled his head to the side squinting through his swollen eyes, "I-I don't..I don't know. I'm telling the—" The eldest Winchester swung a fist down decking the male in the stomach hard, Cas gasped and coughed a few times. "I-I don't know! I don't know! Dean!"

I pushed up to my feet swaying a little grabbing onto the table I walked over grabbing Dean by his wrist, "Stop. Stop. Stop."

"[Y/N]. Go sit down. Now." Dean's tone sent shivers up my spine, man he was pissed. I only ever heard him talk like this when things REALLY weren't going his way. "Now. I said sit!" I stepped back but kept ahold of his arm loosely.

"I let him go! I let Sam go! Cas had nothing to do with it!" I hollered taking another step back, drawing my hands against my chest, everything froze around me.

"You...what?" The eldest Winchester growled turning around grabbing my wrist tightly. "Say That again."

Oh shit.

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