2. "i'm only here to establish an alibi."

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"This is a stupid idea." Damian Wayne muttered with crossed arms as Tim excitedly played the news for him. Roni entered the room quietly and raised her eyebrows.

"Well, all the others are busy. Do you want the bad guys to shoot the hostages and take the money?" Tim argued and Roni instantly regretted joining them. Now she had to see what they were up to. It was usually nothing good.

"Boys?" Roni spoke up and stepped closer to them. They both turned around and stared at her in exposion and Tim rolled his thumbs. Then Damian remembered that Roni was usually always up to their mischief. "What are you doing and do I wanna know?"

"Drake here wants to interfere with a bank robbery but I say it's a dumb idea because the police will handle it and Bruce will kill us." Damian shortly explained and flipped his sword out of boredom. Tim only gave her his best puppy dog eyes and turned the sound up on the TV.

"They need help and we're trained to help them, right? Come on." Tim sighed. Roni leaned her head to the side and exhaled deeply with closed eyes. Tim was a cute cinnamon bun who barely got rejected merely by how adorable and right he was. Besides, she enjoyed going on missions with the young Robin's rather than the old ones.

"Fine." She groaned and held her hands beside her waist, fingers up to the air, as she closed her eyes and focused on herself. In the matter of three seconds, her everyday outfit had been dissolved by black smoke and transformed into a thick, red armor suit.

"I'll never get tired of seeing you suit up. That's just plain awesome." Tim gawked and placed a hand against his chest. Her armor looked like a tight suit, but all the batkids had tried punching her on the stomach and the suit was thicker and stronger than they anticipated.

"Yeah, yeah." Damian scoffed even though he was equally as impressed every time. Roni knew this though so she only smiled over his comment and then expanded her invisibility to cover them as well. That was something she had learned to do throughout the decades.

The three left the cave without getting any attention and then hurried over to the bank that was currently sealed off by police and occupied by robbers. Roni brought them to the roof and then watched as they helped each other remove a window silently so they could soar down with the help of her powers. When they were finally inside, they disarmed two of the robbers while Roni grabbed the gun of the third and pushed him against the wall.

"Hey, we're Robin the bank!" Tim yelled, something he sure had been wanting to say for ages. Damian flat out punched him for the bad pun and rested his sword against his shoulder.

"Seriously?" Roni chuckled and nodded to the door. Tim hurried over to open it with his hands up so the GCPD could take over. They quicklt swarmed the place, arrested the robbers and helped the hostages outside. Tim and Roni high-fived before she made them disappear again and travel to the nearest alley. Unfortunately, a large figure was waiting with arms crossed.

"Father..." Damian sighed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Roni, what exactly are you doing here with them?" Bruce asked and she quickly shrugged and frowned with her lips.

"I'm only here to establish an alibi for these two." She excused and batted her eyelashes at him.

"Batcave. Now."

"We're so screwed." Roni whispered.

Back at the cave, Tim and Damian were explaining their actions and how they sped up the saving instead of just letting the police take their time. Meanwhile, Roni was sipping her tea while Jason was playing a game on her phone.

"... And then I said, 'we're Robin the bank!' and Damian punched me!" Tim exclaimed and looked around the room for some sort of sympathy. Roni rolled her eyes and turned her head to look at him.

"To be fair, if you said that around me, I would've punched you too." Jason commented without even losing focus to his game. Roni looked back at her boyfriend with a wide grin, now even more sure that this was the guy for her.

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