Highschool AU: What subject or class they fail/ suck at

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Requested by elderberrysyrup. I had a lot of fun writing these!


•Glass Joe: Speech, he hates having to get up and talk in front of others. He freezes a little and can barely get words out. He has passed out before while giving a speech.

•Von Kaiser: Kaiser is actually good in all of his classes, he just has a hard time focusing. He sometimes doesn't pay attention to the lesson but he will ask someone for the notes and everything is good.

•Disco Kid: History, he hates that class because he thinks it's super boring. Instead of focusing, he thinks of routines and other stuff for cheer, since he is the team captain of the Varsity Cheer team.

•King Hippo: English/Foreign Language. He doesn't speak all that much. Mostly just growls, so when he has to speak it's either in low incomprehensible sounds or a few words.


•Piston Hondo: A smart kid in Highschool, but he has a hard time with English. Sometimes it's with speaking and writing. He either can't think of the word to say or messes up on what he wants to say. But he eventually grows out of it.

•Bear Hugger: Athletics, NOT BECAUSE OF THE CERTAIN REASONS. He just doesn't like that class, he'd rather be doing something for another class, or for the clubs he is in.

•Great Tiger: Geography/History, he has a hard time remembering certain facts or details.

•Don Flamenco: Biology. One, he just doesn't like the subject and two, he has a bit of trouble with it, but it's porbably because he doesn't pay attention in that class!


•Aran Ryan: He isn't good all around, he had trouble with almost all of his classes besides Athletics. He's on the football team like the rest of the seniors.

•Soda Popinski: English. Reason is because Soda is English dyslexic, he has a hard time speaking English along with writing and reading it.He only speaks in English when he absolutely has to.

•Bald Bull: Math, he gets mad easily when doing a worksheet or homework, also he has a hard time understanding it.

•Super Macho Man: Macho is another student who has problems with his classes, especially with focusing. He'd either be talking or on his phone.

•Mr. Sandman: I want to say Math as well, he sometimes gets frustrated with it. And he doesn't want to ask for help sometimes but very rarely will he ask for it.

Also Chemistry, He isn't steady. Like he doesn't have steady hands to do something that calls for accuracy.

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