Season II ~ Renee

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a/n - if you didn't read the part before this "Season I, Episode X" , and want to, it is private. you need to follow me to read it. xx


Song: WHY by NF

I don't believe human beings are born either good or bad. Circumstances change humans outlook on life and sometimes the worst of a person seeps through their memories. Humans learn through experience, when we receive hate we regurgitate it. Hate is taught. 

Humans can't be inherently good or bad. Humans can, however, be inherently kind. It's a double ended sword - compassion. It helps us understand each other and feel empathy and at the same time makes us more susceptible to pain. No matter how much hate a person is taught, they can never rid kindness of their system. Compassion. Caring. Love. Hope. It's inbuilt in our DNA.

What makes a man a strong human also devours his strength. And that's why people end up making decisions they regret. A constant battle between being human and staying human. A civil war filled with mutual destruction. A battle that only leads to bloodshed. 

And that's why, most times, words are lost on me, I sit in a world of letters that can't string together to form sentences - fuck sentences - they can't even form words. I try to speak but every syllable drips out of my mouth and splats onto the floor causing only disruption and concern and a chorus of "Are you okay?". Every word I speak reminds me of the nightmare brewing between my chest, crunching at my rib cage, squeezing my heart until red waterfalls form down my wrists. Letters wrap around my lungs, I can only breathe in pauses, semicolons, and question marks - syntax is my superman. I sleep in line breaks, in full stops, a second here, a second there, a second that my brain finally stops.

I've done things I regret deeply in the past and they plague me, trapping me in their horror stories with nowhere to go. I have lost, been lost and felt loss, leading to events that I couldn't fathom I was capable of. No matter my exterior, my police badge, my training, everything I once was follows me; my past is aching to catch up.

I live in fear of yesterday. I live in fear of tomorrow. I live in fear of thoughts. I live in fear of me.


a/n pt 2- 

welcome to season 2!! i hope you liked season 1! you are now entering Renee's perspective..are you excited? how far do you think she's into cracking the case? tell me anything!

don't forget to vote, comment and send love!

see ya laters gators.



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