Chapter 11

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When I opened my eyes, I was immediately blinded by white lights. White ceilings, white blankets, white sheets, white tiles, and bright white lights only mean one thing- my assumptions were right and I was in a hospital. 

Everyone was on the perimeter of my hospital room. Two boys, about my age, were talking in a corner together, both seemingly very upset. A woman and a man were talking to a doctor on the other side of the room. They looked anxious; the woman nervously chewing on her nails and the man repeatedly ran a hand through his hair. A small boy was sitting closest to me. He was looking at a small action figure. He noticed my eyes open first and shouted. His yell made my ears hurt and all of the people immediately surrounded me. I felt like an animal in a zoo; I had no privacy. 

“Annabeth, darling. We are so glad you are awake.”

“Annabeth, I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

“Sissy! I knew you would wake up!”

“Annabeth, oh Annabeth. I’m so happy you’re here with us.”

“Jeez. You gave us quite a scare there, Annabeth.”

All I heard were comments of how happy everyone was to see me. The only thing was that I couldn’t remember anyone.

“May I talk to Annabeth alone, please?” The doctor asked. 

Everyone nodded in agreement and left the cramped hospital room. The doctor came over and sat on the edge of my white bed. 

“Can you please tell me the last thing you remember, Annabeth?”

“It’s weird. When I was in that coma or whatever, I remember hearing everyone talking, but now I try to remember and it’s like there is a blockage, something I can’t get around.  I don’t know why I’m here. I don’t know what happened; when I look at them I couldn’t tell you who was who to save my life. I don’t even remember what they said.”

“It’s okay. Just relax. I’m going to talk to everyone. Just calm down.” 

I laid back down from my sitting-up position and closed my eyes. I heard the click of the door as the doctor left my room. I laid there in complete silence, trying to remember anything. 

Annabeth’s doctor walked out of her room a little while later. Her foster family and friends stood up from leaning against the wall or against another person when he walked out of the white door. 

“She’s having a very common reaction. She has amnesia.” The doctor told the family. 

Char burst into tears. Ren questioned the doctor. “Amnesia?”

“Yes,” the doctor said. “Her brain is trying to protect her from the traumatic events that happened. She says that she recalls hearing you guys talking in her comatose state, but when she woke up she didn’t recall any of your names or remember anything that was said. Most people don’t remember anything or they remember everything. I have a feeling that if you try to trigger some past events, it might help. Until then, go through with a normal schedule with her. Do the things you do everyday. One by one, you should all go in and introduce yourselves. Don’t overwhelm her. She should be free to go later today. However, I would like to run some follow-up tests on her. I want to see how this affected her brain.” 

Char ended her crying and thanked the doctor, everyone else nodded in agreement. “Well,” she asked. “Who’s going first?” 

I was lying in my bed, completely awake. My door clicked open. I  opened my eyes instantly, only to see the man that was running his hand through his hair earlier. 

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