Chapter Twenty Four: Decisions

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He loves me? What? Why? How? I don’t even know what love feels like so how am I supposed to say I love him?

“Cody… I don’t even know what love is or what it feels like… And I’m not sure that I ever will…” I tried explaining to him.

“Well then I’m going to spend the rest of my summer to show you exactly what love is.” He said as he gently put his hand on my knee. I couldn’t help but smile. “You have the most beautiful smile in the world.”

“Cody… Why do you love me?” I honestly just don’t get it… What is there to love? I’m ugly and fat! Why would anybody want to be with someone like me? I have a dark past and that’s too much baggage for another person to deal with.

“Because you’re amazing, Maria. Don’t you know that?” He wanted to make me feel like I was such an amazing person, but I really don’t get what he sees in me.

“No…” I said looking down at my lap. “I’m garbage, Cody… You could have any girl in the world, but yet, you choose me… Why?”

“Because you are my world.” He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but jump into his arms, (okay so I scooched, not jumped), and give him the tightest hug I could possibly give him and he did the same back to me and pulled me up on his lap so my legs were hanging off the edge of my bed.

“I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone in my life that’s ever been so into me.” I smiled at him.

“Well I love every single thing about you. Even these.” He lightly rubbed his fingers over the scars on my wrists.

“Cody… You’re the only person who has ever made me feel so loved. I mean, my friends, they’re amazing and I love them, but you can never get enough of me.” I pointed out. I mean, it seems like every time he sees me he wants to stay by my side.

“And I never will. I want to be with you forever.” He smiled as he looked into my eyes.

“Why are you so perfect?” I smiled big while playing with his hair.

“You should be asking yourself that same question.” He smiled back at me.

●             ●             ●             ●             ●

My mom came upstairs and into my room to talk, so Cody left the room for a bit and went downstairs. She came in and sat down on my bed next to me.

“Hi sweetie,” She smiled sweetly.

“Hi mom.” I smiled and chuckled a bit.

“So… Your father and I want to leave it completely up to you if you want to press charges against this man. And there’s also going to be a trial against him to put him in prison due to all of his felonies and they found some warrants of his as well. So either way he goes to jail, but he could possibly be put in prison if we take him to court for what happened last night.” She explained. Well… I don’t know what to do… I NEVER want to see him again, but I feel like he needs to pay for what he did!! He can rot in prison for all I care!! No girl anywhere should have to experience that and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone, not even Liana.

“Well… I don’t want to let him get away with it… I mean… If it wasn’t for Cody, I wouldn’t be here right now mom, do you realize that?” I asked and she had tears in her eyes.

“Yes baby, I do.” She nodded and tears fell from her eyes. “We are all so thankful that Cody came running because if it weren’t for him we may not have ever seen you again.”  At this point, she was bawling her eyes out. “Maria, we want you to know how much we love you, even if we don’t always say it or show it. We thought we were gonna lose you because you were so depressed and the thought of losing you tears me apart. If it wasn’t for Cody… I wouldn’t be able to love you and hug you right now.”

My mom pulled me in for a hug and I cried on her shoulder as she did mine.

“Mom… Let’s take him to court.” I can’t stand to see this happen to anybody else, and even if he gets let free, I’m not going down without a fight.

“Oh, sweetie.” She smiled and gently put her hands on my cheeks. “You are such a brave girl and we’re going to be there every step of the way, don’t you forget it!!”

“I won’t” I smiled.

“I’ll go make a few phone calls, okay? We’re not backing down.” My mom said confidently.

“Never.” I responded.

●             ●             ●             ●             ●

When she went downstairs, I followed her down there too. Someone rang the doorbell, and I’m 100% sure it’s not a reporter so I opened the door and saw some guy probably in his twenties standing at my front door.

“Um… Hi?” I was so weirded out… I’ve never seen him before.

“Hi… Um… Do you have a sister?” He asked.

“Yeah… Why?” I asked cautiously.

“I need to talk to her.” He said sternly. Um… Excuse me? You show up to my house and basically demand to see my sister? What’s wrong with you?!

“Hold on…” I closed the door and went upstairs to get Kennedy and she was confused when I said there was some guy who wanted to talk to her.


So Maria just came to my room and said there’s some guy here for me… Who would be here to see me? I have one best friend and that’s Michelle and she has to work today. I went to the door and Maria was standing with me, just a bit farther back than I was. I sighed and opened the door.

“Um… Can I help you?” Who the hell is this guy? Though he is attractive…

“Hi… Uh… Kennedy?” He asked unsure.

“Yeah, that’s me.” I said sarcastically-ish.

“Listen… We need to talk… Alone.” He tried.

“Anything you have to say to me you can say in front of my sister.” I argued.

“Okay… Well… I’m the guy that you slept with at the party a few weeks ago.”


DUN-DUN-DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How will she react? How will her family react? How will the trial go? Will Maria get her justice? Find out in the upcoming chapters of “Summertime of Our Lives.” Thanks for reading!!


Summertime of Our Lives: A Cody Simpson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now