Knife's and Sprinklers

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Warning this chapter gets a little violent, but I promise it's not to much! ❤️

His name rang through my head. My breathing had almost completely stopped.

"Awwww don't seem so excited to meet me," he reached his hand up to cup my fast and I swotted it away faster than he excepted. "Come on, I can't touch you? I mean you like Issac touch you."

"Don't talk about him," I spoke through my teeth.

"Aww you love him. You think he loves you though," he laughed.

"You're an asshole and he's going to win." I honestly don't know where the courage came from. I was standing face to face with the man in charge of the opposing mafia as powerful as I've ever felt.

He chuckled deeply. "You're cute. No wonder Roman wanted to fuck you too."

"What do you want? Are you going to kidnap me? How stereotypical," I crossed my arms.

"Ouch. I mean you could just run away. I've got lots of options."

"What? This isn't 50 Shades of Grey. I'm not running away so you better just kidnap me," I looked back to James and Carlos and they seemed shocked at me.

"Listen you little piece of shit," he spat. "I will fucking end you and watch Issac break down piece by piece."

"You don't have the balls," I leaned up scrunching my eyebrows.

"That's what you think," he winked behind me and as soon as I turned the sprinkler system turned on. Bodies started to move fast and before I knew it Luca had a death grip on my arm and was dragging me through the gallery. Another man joined and grabbed my other arm. I kept trying to look back for James and Carlos. "Scream and Max will have Mamma taken out. Don't try anything," Luca spat.

I took a deep breathe as we made it outside and I was pushed in a car with Luca still holding tight on to me.

"Night night," Luca waved before I felt a sharp sting on the back of my head and my vision went black.


I started to wake up with a sharp pain in my head making it hard to open my eyes. I finally pried them open to see myself in a fairly lite room. I looked around to see one of my hands cuffed to a bedpost. Then I realized I was on a bed and my heart started to race faster.

"Don't worry," I turned quick to see Luca standing at the door. "I don't do rape."

"Why am I here?"

"I mean I'm not awful to my guests," he grinned walking in the room.

"How long was I out?" I rubbed the back of my head lightly.

"About 7 hours. Don't worry Issac has already gotten to me. Threats after lame ass threats," he laughed.

"You're so fucked when he finds us," I grinned.

"Right," he laughed crossing his arms.

"Why do you think this is funny?"

"Because even when he makes it here, he'll be so vulnerable. I have the one thing he would die for in the palm of my hands. As soon as he busted through the door I start to take a knife to your body and he'll be on his knees," he grinned sitting down in a chair.

"You're fucking crazy," I tugged on the cuff.

"Awww that hurt my feelings," he ran his finger down his face as if it were a tear.

I groaned and started to look around the room.

"Would you fuck me?"

"What?!" I turned quickly to look at him.

"I mean come on. I look so much better than Issac," he flexed his arms.

"In your dreams."

"I mean you could be there or it could be real."

"Didn't you try to murder Issac because he's gay? Are you just a homophobic piece of shit who has this deep secret of wanting dick?"

"Ouch. You're so angry....It's hot."

"Don't fucking try it. You'd be better off giving me scars then trying to fuck me. Issac wouldn't even think twice of ending you if you tried to put that nasty ass dick near me."

"I bet that's bigger than his too," he winked.

"This is what torture is," I leaned by head back.

I heard a knock on the door and he shot up opening it.

"No this will be," he grinned as a man laid a suitcase down on the bed.

My heart started to race as he opened it.

"So which would you like to be burned or to have some cuts?"

I let my mouth drop as he laid out different knife sizes and long metal wire.

"I mean I can do whatever you'd like," he grinned.

"Go to hell," I spat through my teeth.

"I'll see you there," he grabbed a knife walking to my side of the bed.

"Don't you fucking," I tired kicking at him and he called someones name and as the door opened the other man cuffed my other arm down and sat at the end of the bed holding my legs. I tried to kick and scream, but the tears started to roll. For the first time in a long time I was powerless.

I watched as the knife came down to my arm and I froze. It dragged along it slowly and I couldn't do anything but cry. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I started to zone out as he dragged along the second line, but a loud sound shock me out. The man holding my legs jumped up and ran towards the door.

"The show has arrived," he laughed deeply and felt my heart start to race as the sounds got louder and louder. Luca put the knife down and reached back in the suitcase grabbing a gun and putting it to my head. I tried to breathe slowly to stay calm.

I heard a couple of thuds outside of the door before it swung open and I saw a dirty and pissed Issac bust through the door. The gun touched my face harder as Issac pointed his gun straight at Luca.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Luca winked at Issac.

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