Youre gonna miss this.

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((okay, first of all, it's been too long since I've updated but I've had a move going on and then work and family stuff but I'm gonna try to update more))

[6 years later]

"Honey! Where is my uniform?! I have to be there in twenty minutes!"

"It's laying on the bed, dear." Lindsay called from the kitchen. Today my dads getting some awards from the Army for whatever he did. I really don't know, I just know I have to be there because as a Marine, and his daughter, it's my duty. Dads been pretty sick so we don't think we'll last much longer but he'll be out of pain and the suffering he's dealt with for 7 years of his life in the hospital.

After getting my uniform on and grabbing my wallet and keys, I make my way to the kitchen to kiss my gorgeous wife and kids. The twins are now 6, Logan's 5 and our youngest little boy Jackson is 3. "Please be good for your mother, kids. I will be back soon, I promise."

As I pull into the national guard armory I recieve a phone call from my mother saying that my father has gotten significantly worse and he probably will be gone within a few hours. I immediatly turn around and head toward the hospital, not paying attention to the speed limit, I do a rolling stop through a stop sign, not seeing the semi barrelling down the road to my left. I hear her slam the brakes as i try to swerve out of the way but we both seem to go the same way, the front of the semi slamming into the drivers side of the car. The last thing I see is Logan's picture on my dash before everything goes black.


*Lindsay's POV*

I recieved the news about Jen's dad 22 minutes before I got the call. As the officer told me what had happened, my heart and stomach dropped, my body no longer able to keep me up. Collapsing to the floor the kids run over to me, asking if im okay, "what happened", "is everything alright?" I grab my phone and immediately call Jen's mom, asking if she can pick me up and drop the kids off at my moms. What am i gonna do if Jen doesn't wake up? I cant raise 4 kids by myself. I need her, she's my best friend, my soulmate.

Once we dropped the kids off and arrive at the hospital, i rush in, running over to Jen's sisters hugging them tightly.

"Is there any more news?" Her mom asks the nurse.

"No, she's still slipping into the coma and since you're her wife, we need to know if we can do a medically induced coma unless you feel she'd be against it.." the nurse says to me, i take a deep breath, trying to hold in the tears still.

"How bad are her injuries? If they're going to heal even if it takes time, do the medically induced." I turn away and hold onto Jen's sister, letting the tears flow. I couldn't hold it in any longer. The nurse hands her mom forms to fill out and then walks back into the trauma center.

I turn around as I hears Alex's voice, "Alex!" I run over to her, jumping into her arms.

"I came as soon as I heard. Is there anyway we can see her?"

I shake my head, crying harder as i bury my face in her chest. I don't know what i'm going to do if I lose her. We sit down and wait. All we can do is wait, they have no idea what can be fixed and what can't be. I end up falling asleep on Alex's shoulder. 

I'm shaken awake by Jen's mom, the doctor is standing behind her. 

"I have some news I need to talk to you both about before we can go any further." He says. 

I fall back into the chair after he tells us the news. After my brain registers what was said, I passed out.


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