Chapter 12 You Want Me To Do What?

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Chihiro POV:  (it's gonna go back and forth between Chihiro POV as well as the 3rd POV so brace yourself)

I'm walking up the stairs to school with Saki and I have one objective in mind: to find Maskai because I need to tell him something. Ever since we got partnered together for that art project we've become really great friends. As I walk I'm also thinking about the beach trip and thinking of Mori. Oh my goodness, there he is I start running towards him.

"Look it's my darling daughter running towards her daddy. Come to me my angle"

I run past the guys and yelled "MASAKI-KUN" and hugged him

(The host look so surprised and Tamaki went to sulk in a corner when they see Chihiro run onto the arms of a guy)

With the Host

"Why would my daughter ignore me and why is she hugging a boy?" said Tamaki while crying

"Who's the boy Hiro-Chan is with," said Honey

"Oh that's Masaki Hano he's in our class, he's Hiro's friend. Can you believe it she made a friend all on her own I'm so proud of her" said Chisaki wiping a fake tear away

"Masaki Hano in the 1A class his family runs a first-class company that works with stained glass art. He's the younger brother of Mirai Hano from class 3-A. They got acquainted when partnered together for a project and spend time together in the library studying. Hikaru, Kaoru what information do you have on him during class" said Kyoya as he read out his book

"Well he doesn't talk in class not even to Chihiro(H) I think the only time I see them together is when they're in the library (K) In other words we got nothing other than he's boring," said the twins shrugging

"Hey don't be mean, Hiro hasn't made a friend since we were in elementary school and you bone heads don't count," said Chisaki hitting the twins upside the head "so be nice"

Back with Chihiro

"Masaki, How are you doing? I said looking at him getting of him

"I'm fine Hiro and you, how was the beach did I miss anything," he asked as we walked to class

"I'm good and boy do I have stories for you I'll tell you during lunch now let's get to class," I said

"Why we still have 15 minutes till the bell," said Masaki

"Well we kind of have an audience," I say while pointing to the Host club and when I looked at them they pretended to not have been following us


It's time for lunch Saki, Masaki and I are sitting at a table eating and surprisingly Haruhi joined us today instead of eating in class. I'm pretty sure the twins sent her as a spy but Haruhi could care less. The 4 of us were just eating together with small talk.

"Hey Hiro get ready to hear a lecture from Tamaki-Senpai"

"Why," I asked as I ate

"Well, you ignored him and the rest of us this morning for Hano-San and then for hugging him. He was yelling something about being too young for boys I really didn't pay attention. We were a little surprised. Are you two thing now."  said Haruhi

"Tamaki-senpai is a big baby sometimes," said Saki "but interesting question Haruhi are you 2 a thing and if so Masaki I don't know if I approve yet," she said

Masaki and I look at each other and then just start laughing, making Haruhi and Saki confused as to why the 2 of us were laughing.

"Oh my gosh Haruhi, don't make us laugh like that," said Masaki

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