Chapter 5 Attack of the Lady Manager Part 2

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"Kyoya why are you allowing this, wouldn't this disturb the guests or waste time where you can be making money"
"Why Tamaki is all for it, besides let's just wait and see how things turn out, you've been here long enough to know things are always interesting.," he says while pointing at Tamaki getting into his dark character.

Chihiro POV:

Renge just finished telling the host their new backstories and I find it really stupid. Why is she trying to change them they're fine just the way they are. She's making Honey be a thug, I mean come on the only way he can be mean is if you take away his cake. And as if Tamaki can be a lonely prince he's one of the most positive and outgoing people here. Well, at least I'm not involved in these shenanigans.

"Renge-Chan, Renge-Chan what about Hiro-Chan she should get a part too," said Honey-Senpai while pointing at me. I just look at Honey crazy because why?? Renge is just staring at me, I'm staring back and now it's an awkward staring contest, it's like she's staring into my soul. I really hope she sees that I don't want to be a part of this.

"Why would we need her she's not even a host. Besides she wouldn't be a good fit with the image were portraying, we want dramatic, confident, not shy, and clumsy unless we make her the female love interest that gets rejected which could work, if her sister were here we could've made them fight over the same guy and Chisaki would win in the end because let's face it Chihiro is the one lagging with her insecurities"

She really did stare into my soul and figured my life story out. It kind of hurt hearing her say it, but I was trying to keep a poker face. But the twins being the twins came over and both hugged me like a child to comfort me, well tried to.

"Renge what is wrong with you"-Hikaru "Yeah you didn't have to be mean"-Kaoru

"Well, I just stated the truth. I know my dear Kyoya would never think to be friends with someone like her "

"you do remember that Chihiro and Kyoya are cousins right"- Kaoru "and I don't know how Saki would feel if she heard you say that about her sister," said Hikaru

At this point, Renge just exploded and started apologizing and crying, so she wouldn't be on Kyoya's bad side, but Kyoya was nowhere to be found, and knowing him he'd get mad at us for upsetting an important family client.

"Renge stop crying the twins just exaggerated it's fine so calm down, Hikaru Kaoru let go of me, "I said trying to push the twins off me and prove to them I'm fine and not hurt. And after 22 seconds she got over it and started talking about a movie for some reason.

I'm currently outside standing next to Kyoya as we're watching how this movie is going on because apparently, Renge had a whole script and film crew ready to go today. And seeing Honey being mean and a thug is just painful to watch. It's just painful to watch all of them. I'm just glad I'm not a part of this.

"Alright Chihiro it's time for your scene," said Renge coming over to me

"uh I thought I said I didn't want to be involved in this," I tell her

"no, you never said that come on it'll be fun I have a really good scene for you, I even talked to your sister she's gonna join us later," said Renge and I'm not sure if I should believe her or not.

"Chihiro go and film with Renege it'll be fine," said Kyoya of course he'd side with her.

Renege just cheered and grabbed my hand and went to get Haruhi and dragged us somewhere where there were 2 other guys there. At least I have Haruhi here with me.

"Okay, these 3 guys agreed to be in the movie. They'll be portraying gang members of the Japanese mafia where they'll "try" and "hurt" you Chihiro. Haruhi will come and see this and call for help and then the host club will come together and save you because nothing captures the hearts of girls as when there a damsel in distress and they get to see their favorite boys come and save them it'll be a new romance" said Renge as she held her hand closing her eyes imaging this whole thing play out.

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