chapter 11 - Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

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ღ Worlds Colliding (Once Upon a Time) ღ

Day One

Morning - Castle Playground

Henry, Rose and Lisa rode up on their bikes, while Emma, Ella and Freya arrived in a squad car, all of them getting off/out.

"Hey, kids," Emma told them. "Good to see you, too."

"The storm," Henry told them worriedly.

They walked toward the severely damaged castle.

"It's okay," Ella told them. "We'll talk to Marco."

"We think it's still here," Rose explained.

The three kids dug in the ground at the base of the castle structure.

"What are you looking for?" Freya asked.

"My book," Lisa answered.

"Why'd you bury it here?" Freya asked.

"So our mom doesn't find it," Henry answered.

"Your and Rose's mom, Henry, not mine," Lisa corrected.

Henry chuckled. "Sorry, Lisa."

"Hiding it under one of your mattress wasn't good enough?" Emma asked.

Lisa gave them a look. "That's the first place the Evil Queen would look."

The kids unearthed a box.

"How about leaving it with one of us?" Ella asked.

"That's the second place," Rose explained. Lisa opened the box, revealing the storybook inside, causing all three kids to sigh in relief. Freya was also relieved. "Good."

"So Regina doesn't know about the castle?" Freya asked.

"No," Henry told them. "This is our secret."

Lisa closed the box, and the three kids began reburying it.

Regina approached from behind her parked car. "Henry? Rose. Lisa. I've been looking everywhere for you. Lisa, you know you have a session with Archie this morning." She looked at Emma, Ella and Freya. "I should've known they were with you. Kids, car, now." The kids gave Regina a look, heading for the car. Regina turned to Emma, Ella and Freya. "You let them play here?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "The storm hit it pretty hard. But we can fix it."

"Well, can you fix three cracked craniums?" Regina asked. "'Cause that's what you'll have on your hands if one of those boards collapses under their weight. You're not thinking about Lisa, Rose and Henry or their safety, just ways around me. Don't let your feelings cloud your judgment, because people can get hurt."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ella asked.

Freya gave Regina a cold look. "Ella and Emma are Co-Sheriffs now. I'm a deputy. We know how to keep people safe. Way more than you do. Or you ever will. Or ever have. We're being responsible for the people under our care. When have you ever been?"

Regina glared at Freya. Ella and Emma looked between them warily.

Worlds Colliding (Once Upon A Time) Book One (Dedicated to @MakiSakura)Where stories live. Discover now