chapter 9 - True North

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ღ Worlds Colliding (Once Upon a Time) ღ


Day One

Morning - Dark Star Pharmacy

Henry was reading a comic book, "Wolverine vs. Hulk". Rose and Lisa were nearby, looking at sunglasses, smiling and laughing. Henry looked toward them, at Lisa.

Ava Zimmer walked up to them. "You girls look like you're having fun. What is your boy reading?"

"The Hulk versus Wolverine," Henry answered.

"I'm Ava," Ava told them. "I think I've seen you around school. You're in Miss Blanchard and Miss Gold's classes, right?"

"Yeah," Rose answered.

Henry gave Lisa a teasing look. "And some of us are a lot closer to Miss Gold than others. Right, Lisa?"

Lisa tilted her head. "Henry."

Nicholas Zimmer walked up. "Almost ready, Ava?"

"This is my brother Nicholas," Ava explained.

"Hi," Nicholas told them. Lisa, Rose and Henry smiled. "Come on, let's go."

"You wanna come hang out?" Ava asked.

"Sure," Lisa answered.

Henry, Rose and Lisa grabbed their things to follow. Nicholas prepared to pull the handle of the door to leave.

The pharmacy's owner, Mr. Clark, pushed back the door. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" He pointed at Henry. "Uh, you, open up your bag."

"What?" Henry asked.

"Don't think I didn't see you rob me," Clark told him. He pointed at Lisa and Rose. "You two girls, too." Ava and Nicholas exchanged a glance. "Open your bags."

"But we didn't take anything," Lisa told him.

Clark opened their bags to find some chocolate bars. "And liars, too."

Henry turned to Ava. "That's why you were talking to us. So your brother could put that stuff in our bags."

"Henry," Clark scolded. "Lisa. Rose. I'm shocked." He looked at Ava and Nicholas. "And you two, just who do you think you are?"


Enchanted Forest

Day - Woods

A woodcutter cut off a tree for his son and daughter, Hansel and Gretel, counterparts to Ava and Nicholas. "A fine specimen, the wood it provides will keep our family's hearth for warm this winter."

"Can't I have the ax?" Gretel asked.

"Huh?" the woodcutter asked.

"You did say you want me here so I can help," Gretel pointed out.

"That I did," the woodcutter agreed. "So, here's your task. Take the cart, go fill it with kindling. The drier, the better."

Gretel nodded, walking away. "Okay."

Worlds Colliding (Once Upon A Time) Book One (Dedicated to @MakiSakura)Where stories live. Discover now