Chapter 31 - Walls Up

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I feel my breathing hitch in my throat as her eyes once again look back at me as the smile fades from her face.

"Beca there is no doubt that there is something more than friendship between us... there always has been... but"....

(Beca POV)

I sigh as I see her eyes scan my face, "There is always a but" I mumble as her mouth stays in a straight line while her eyebrows crease slightly.

"Okay I won't jump straight into the But.." she says as she looks down once again. "We've been friends for years Beca, and... at first I thought we were closer than what Aubrey and I were, and I know we are..." She says biting her lip as she fiddles with her fingertips in her lap.

"But I feel like you were always different when it came to my friends.... at first I couldn't understand why I was so protective around you, why I would always look for you first anywhere I went, why I would always think of you when I woke up...." she says as I feel my jaw drop the slightest bit.

"I originally thought it was because you were so different from anyone I had ever known, so blocked off and.... I don't know... dark" She says with a chuckle as I try to hold back the smile that rugged at my lips.

"I thought it was because you were so blocked off and hard to get to, but when I did get past your hard side I was able to see the incredible person hiding behind the hard exterior... but I knew it was more than that" she says as I feel myself almost smile at her words.

She has kept all of this from me... I didn't even know she felt this way.

"I didn't try to figure out what it was between us... anytime I began to question it I pushed the thought away because I didn't want to confuse anything" she says shaking her head.

"You're important to me Beca, really important... and I didn't want to make anything weird between us so I convinced myself it was because I saw you as my best friend, and don't get me wrong you are my best friend" she says as I watch her blue eyes flicker across the bed before the connect with my eyes again.

"What exactly are you saying?" I can feel my lips hardly moving as the words escape my mouth, Chloe's eyes flicker down to my lips before back up to my eyes as she sighs.

"I'm saying I like you Beca... more than a friend... when you kissed me it literally felt like everything fell into place.." her eyes slowly close as I feel my entire body freeze up.

I feel my heart jump into my throat at her words as I want to start jumping around the room in joy...

Chloe likes me.... HOLY SHIT.

I can't actually believe this is happening right now... even though my heart is almost jumping out of my chest, I try to act calm as Chloe continues on talking.

"I realised why you were so different and now I've finally stopped ignoring it" she says shrugging slightly as I feel mixed emotions shoot through me.

Chloe just told me she likes me more than a friend... do I... do I actually have a chance?

I feel happiness shoot through me... as well as fear because I know there is still a 'But' coming.

"When you told me you loved me, I...... I don't know how to describe the feeling... but it made me happy... and when you left I felt like I was... like I just wanted to cry. And I did" she says as my face drops and I instinctively lean forward.

I have an urge to reach out to her, so I lift my hand from my lap slightly until I stop myself, her eyes drop down to my hand as I draw it back to my lap as I stay quiet and let her continue talking.

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