Chapter 4

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Harry's POV:

The next day, I had Defense Against the Dark Arts with Aberforth. He's a great teacher, reminding me a lot of Dumbledore.

Hermione was there, looking upset. Despite my feelings for her, I know she's my friend, so I didn't approach her.

Draco caught me after class. Snape told me to be his friend.

"Hello Harry!" He greets, smiling. "I know it's super weird, but Snape told me you both talked. Thank you for listening and considering it. I promise, I won't disappoint you. Your trust means a lot to me, and I hope we can turn it into real friendship someday."

"Yeah, sure, I'm sure you won't!" We smile and head to our next classes.

Talking with Draco felt normal. We never really talked before; instead, we used to insult and jinx each other.

My chat with Draco made me want to talk to Hermione and apologize.

"Hermione!" I call for her.

She didn't reply and ran to the same class I'm having, which was Transfiguration with Headmistress McGonagall.

The class went great. McGonagall is pretty amazing in everything she does.

I sit next to Hermione and ask her how her first day is going. She said it was okay, but she seemed uncomfortable and sad.

"Hermione, what's wrong?" She reluctantly replies.

"Ron and I broke up last night. He keeps telling me what to do, saying he's the only one working in the relationship. We had a fight, and I ended it. I'm done running behind him. I don't want to be another Lavender."

Ron and Lavender's relationship was a mess. They dated for a few months, but Ron never really liked her; he was just playing around.

I don't know how I should feel, but Ron and Hermione's breakup wasn't such bad news. She deserves to be treated well. Ron's been a jerk in the last few days, and she surely did the right thing.

Is them breaking up a sign?

Hermione's POV:

Is that really happening? Is that how a 'broken heart' feels? I never thought I'd break up with the guy of my dreams. Why is he such a jerk? I did nothing to hurt him!

I didn't say a thing; I just ran to the common room.

Ginny runs after me, and Harry—I may be hallucinating—was walking outside with Draco.

All I could think about was Ron. How could he? After all this time?

I used to do everything to make him happy. And we actually were happy.

Now, "we" turned into an 'I.

"I know it's not the right time to talk right now, but I'm here for you no matter what. I've been heartbroken before. Trust me, it sucks.

Ron may be my brother, but you're my best friend! Just tell me if you need anything."

Just like that, Ginny leaves to the Quidditch pitch to practice.

It's just the first day of school, and the worst thing happened already! What could be worse?

And just like that, life took my question into a challenge, and Ron and Lavender enter the room holding hands, smiling and laughing with each other.

I couldn't endure it, so I ignored them, brushed away my tears, and ran off to the Quidditch pitch.

All I wanted to do was talk to Harry. I need him right now, he's the only one who will understand.

When I walked to him, he was cracking a really lame joke, and guess who was laughing at it?

"Draco Malfoy."

The boy who criticized me for being a Mudblood, the one who has always bullied, cheated, and judged people.


Harry greets me, and then I ask him why he's with Draco. And then he told me the story.

"I will try, but don't expect me to be your friend. I'll just try not to hate you so much!"

The boys laugh, and Harry continues cracking jokes until it becomes dark.

I missed having friends. And this, with Harry, and weirdly Draco, felt right. Even though I can't forget how awfully Draco treated me. I'm not in need of a boyfriend. Friends are more fun. And maybe I should just try to be a better person, a better student, and a better friend.

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