Chapter 8

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Taemin woke up and got dressed. He then walked over to Minho's house.

Minho's mom answered. "Oh hey, Taemin!"

Taemin smiled. "Hi, Mrs. Choi. Minho wanted me to come with him to his appointment."

"Of course." She smiled. "Come on in."

Taemin smiled and walked in. "Minho!" He called out.

Minho smiled. "Taemin!"

Taemin giggled and hugged him. He smirked and whispered into his ear. "My butt hurts because of you." He pulled away and giggled again.

Minho blushed.

Taemin giggled at Minho's reaction. "I hope you get better soon! I can't wait to see you play again!"

Minho nodded. He was really nervous.

Taemin held his hand. "Everything will be okay."

Minho looked at his hands. Taemin frowned. He knew Minho was nervous about the results.

They soon were at his appointment. Taemin continued to hold Minho's hand. Minho was really scared. He hated these appointments.

Taemin kissed his cheek. "You're going to be okay."

Minho nodded. He went into his appointment while Taemin waited in the waiting room. Taemin was nervous. He sighed.

Minho was in there for a few hours. Minho's mom came out and lead Taemin to his room. Minho was silently crying.

Taemin frowned and ran to him. "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Will he be okay?"

"I can't play..." Minho cried.

"What?! Why not? Are you not healing?" Taemin asked.

Minho shook his head. He hugged Taemin, crying.

Taemin hugged back. "I'm sorry..." He felt horrible. He really wanted Minho to heal. He looked at Mrs. Choi. "Can we have some alone time?"

Mrs. Choi nodded and left.

Taemin looked at Minho. "Is it because we had sex? Did we make it worse?"

"No...the doctor said I have too much scar tissue building up in my leg..."

Taemin frowned. "They can't fix it?"

"For the most part...but not completely."

"Will you be able to walk?" Taemin asked.

"They don't know...." Minho said.

Taemin frowned. "How did you get hurt?"

"During a game. It was really bad...." Minho said, looking at his hands.

Taemin frowned. "I'm sorry...I really wish I could help you...or have seen you play..."

Minho held him tight. "Just don't leave me...."

"I won't ever leave you." Taemin hugged Minho.

Minho cuddled with Taemin.

"I love you." Taemin said.

"I love you too...let's go...."

Taemin nodded. He helped Minho into the wheelchair and they went back to his house. Minho was quiet.

Taemin frowned. "'ll heal someday."

"Why don't you two go rest in his room?" Mrs. Choi said.

Taemin nodded and he took Minho to his bedroom and helped him lay down. Taemin looked at his hands.

Minho curled up. "Taemin....can you cuddle with me?"

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