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Every night the darkness surrounds me as I lay in my chamber,

Shadows of lost memories haunt me.

I lay my right hand on my chest over the location of my heart,

In all silence I listen and feel the heart beat within my flesh and bones.

Why does mine thump and thud? 

Why does mine hold a soul and why is it full of life?

Those come and others go and yet I remain,

I remain alive, living, breathing in air and letting it out again and again.

Why do I deserve another day when people better than me lose another day?

I let my life slip by over and over with nothing to show,

And I,

I deserve to live this life when another could have it and make it something worth something?

I’ll never understand,

At least I don’t think I will.

It is just how life works and is meant to be?

Unfair for some,

And fair for others.

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