In The Shadows.

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Again tonight my body sits shaking as tears of salt water burn my eyes. Darkness is everywhere surrounding me, 

for I cannot see anything but specks of dots dancing around me. 

My lips quivering, 

my arms up to my head as my hands hold back my hair squeezing tightly as if about to pull them all out; 

like weeds by the picket fence. 

Then I let go and slowly tremble down my face feeling the scars. More tears start flowing as if they just began. 

I wipe them away, 

but what is the use? 

More take their spot and more take theirs after that. 

I lie my body down on cloth sheets feeling warmth of my own arms around my body and I hold myself as I cry. 

Not long I fall asleep and for a little while I am free; 

the pain escapes and I dream. 

Morning comes, 

it all rushes back. 

Another day begins, 

yet the same routine begins. 

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