Sister Veronica

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November 17, 1998

Patient Name: Vincent Edward Graves

Patient Age: Eight Years

Patient Height: 4'0

Patient Weight: 86 Pounds

Patient Diagnosis: Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Acute Stress Disorder, Clinical Depression.

Psychologist's Notes: Vincent Graves was brought to the infirmary, against his will, over three months ago. In my first meeting with him, he exhibited anti social tendencies with a major indication of underlying trauma.

No matter how much he is prompted, Vincent will not speak to any of the other children. It should be noted that he spends the majority of his time isolated in his room, reading letters from his grandmother and watching reruns of old sitcoms on his television.

When asked about his home life, Vincent clams up and refuses to discuss it with me. And he becomes especially uncomfortable when I ask him about his father. Father Stuart believes that the child is a hopeless sociopath, but there is more to the story than meets the eye.


Sister Veronica Hill massaged her temples as she examined her notes.  Graduating from the top of her class in medical school and being one of the most respected child psychologists in the state, she was confident that she could handle almost any case that was thrown at her.

Then, she met Vincent Graves.

She was reading her bible in her office when he was brought into the infirmary by his father, kicking his legs and shouting obscenities at anyone who went near him. The pain and anguish in his voice was like nothing she had ever heard from a child before. She emerged from her office and immediately went to assist with him, but was sent away by Father Stuart.

She watched with immense distress as the child was dragged into the a vacant room, his angry protests becoming muffled by the door that closed behind them. She returned to her office and said a brief prayer for the child, then took out her notebook and began writing down the behaviors that she had seen from him.

When he finally settled down, Father Stuart brought her in to his office and introduced her to the child's father. "Mr. Graves, I would like you to meet Sister Veronica Hill. She will be the one to examine your son."

"Good luck." Mr. Graves grunted, "The boy is an absolute nut case."

Sister Veronica opened her mouth to protest his cruel and degrading words, but Father Stuart cleared his throat before she had the chance. "She will do everything she can to help little Vincent." He said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Veronica is truly a God send for troubled children."

"Great." Mr. Graves replied flatly, "Well, I should be getting back home. I trust that you will take good care of the boy, and if he gives you any trouble, call me."

"Yes, sir." Father Stuart said, "We sure will."

Mr. Graves nodded at him before taking his leave. When the office door closed behind him, Father Stuart looked at the nun with disdain on his wrinkled face. "Great. Now we're stuck with a Protestant child with a bad temper. I can't believe that Dawson talked me into this."

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