The Birth

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This is the third installment of my stalker series.  It is the prequel to my first book 'She Belongs to Me' and it will explore the early life of Vincent Graves. 

While I do recommend reading the first two stories beforehand, this story can easily be read as a stand alone story if you are just looking for a fun and different story to read.

Vincent's point of view will be written in first person, while all other characters will be written in third.  Enjoy the story!


February 20, 1990

He sat in the waiting room with a scowl etched into his rough face.  His wife was due to give birth any moment and all he could do was think about how much it pissed him off.  He was angry at himself for not using a condom, and he was angry at his wife for not keeping her damn legs closed. Children were the last thing he wanted in his life, but he didn't believe in abortion. And he certainly wasn't going to allow some stranger to raise his seed.

He would raise the child just as his father had raised him many years ago.  Teaching the little brat the difference between right and wrong was something he looked forward to because the challenge excited him.  He knew there would be times when he had to be stern, perhaps even lay his hands on the child to get his point across, but he was determined to do whatever it took to have the perfect family.

"Mr. Graves..." A timid voice said, breaking him from his thoughts. He looked up to see a nurse standing in front of him. "Your wife is asking for you. I think she's a little scared."

"Poor thing." He answered, forcing himself to smile. "She probably just needs me to hold her hand."

He grudgingly followed the nurse into the operating room and shook his head when he saw the tears pouring down his wife's face. She had always been a weak person.

It didn't surprise him that she couldn't even handle something as simple as childbirth.

"Victor...." She breathed, "Thank God you're here. The pain is...unbearable."

"It's alright, sweetheart. I'm here now." He said, flashing another false smile. He took her dainty hand into his and stifled a frown as she began screaming at the top of her lungs.

"You're doing great, Vera. Just give me a few more pushes." Her doctor encouraged, giving her a thumbs up from the other side of the sheet. His gloved hand was covered in blood.

"Oh God!!! It hurts so bad!!"

"It's okay, sweetheart." Victor said, wiping the sweat from her brow. "Just keep push-"

"How much LONGER!? I can't handle any more!"

Victor blinked his eyes and sucked in a deep breath to maintain his composure. He made sure the nurse was not looking before leaning into his wife's ear to whisper. "Shut up, you stupid cow, and have this baby with dignity."

Tears filled her mahogany eyes and she nodded her head, biting her lip to stifle her screams. The pain was worse than she could have ever imagined, but she wanted to please her husband. He tightened his grasp on her hand and gritted his teeth until the sound of the baby's cries filled the room.

"Congratulations.  It's a beautiful baby girl." The doctor said, handing the newborn to the nurse.  He used his arm to wipe the sweat from his face and started to stand up, until something caught his eye.  "Oh wow....I don't believe it."

"What is it?"  The nurse asked, rocking the baby in her arms.

The doctor smiled.  "You've got another one in here, Vera."

Vera exchanged a brief glance with her husband before looking back at the doctor, her eyes widening. "What do you mean....another one? All of my ultrasounds showed one baby!"

"I must admit it is unusual for a second baby to be hidden from an ultrasound after twenty weeks, but it does happen." The doctor replied as he prepared to pull the second infant from her womb.

Vera cringed as she felt his gloved hands going back inside of her.  "This...this just can't be."  She protested, "We're not prepared to take care of two babies.  How are we going to-?"

"Calm down."  Victor said, giving her hand a small squeeze.  "There's no sense in worrying yourself into a frenzy.  We have plenty of room for one more sweet little girl."

"Actually....this one is a boy."  The doctor said, pulling the child out and displaying him with a smile on his face.  "You must be excited about that, Mr. Graves."

"I'm elated."  Victor replied flatly.  His mind had been so set on having a daughter that the thought of having a little boy running around made him cringe. Girls were easy to bring up, he'd assured himself, but boys were a pain in the ass.  They were too damn rambunctious.

"Would you like to hold him?" The doctor asked, cradling the crying baby in his arms.

Victor hesitated before scooping the boy into his large hands. He tried to mask the look of disapproval on his face as he stared down at his son. The boy had his mother's weak nose as well as her dim brown eyes, and he was crying much louder than his sister. 

'You won't be a cry baby forever, my boy.'  Victor thought, 'I'll raise you to be a real man if it's the last thing I do.'

"Have you chosen a name for your beautiful new baby girl?"  The nurse asked, handing the girl to her mother.

Vera smiled down at her daughter, kissing her on the forehead with a glint of pride in her weary eyes.  "Violet."

"That's a beautiful name."  She gazed over at Victor and offered him a smile.  "I'm sure you need a little time to think of a name for your son-"

"Vincent."  Victor said, his eyes still fixed on his son.  "His name is Vincent."


AN:  Hooray!!!  I'm so excited that I finally got the first chapter out!  Sorry if it was a little on the slow side, but trust me you folks are in for a super fun ride with this story.  There will be loads of dark humor and moments that you will never forget.  So stay tuned ❤️

Also, for those of you who read Family Ties, I have not forgotten about it.  I've had killer writer's block for the past few months, so I am still working on the final chapter.  I promise you won't be disappointed. 

Please let me know what you thought of the first chapter.  Love you guys! 😘

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