Plan of action

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"Okay we're approaching the the three main kingdoms" Neo said

"Uh oh" Carol said looking outside through some goggles.

"Carol what's wrong?" Lilac asked

"You might want to take a look." Carol said passing them to the dragon.

As she looked through goggles she was shocked at what she saw.

The magister and gong were being moved to the dungon as Vincent sat there on the magister's throne barking orders to the shadows.

"We're too late he's already taken over Shang tu" the dragon said.

"So what's the plan now!" Spark asked

"It would seem that our best course would be to move to shuigang hopefully we can reach my brother before this gets any worse." Spade said.

"It seems that would be a wiser choice." Neo said

With that the ship turns towards shuigang.

Back at the castle

Koro and Milla managed to find the room where the vessel was being held.

"Okay let's get this over with and get back to our friends." Koro said

"Right" Milla said as they began to open the door.

As they entered the room they were shocked by what they saw.

The lab was completely deserted

"But how the vessel should've been here?" Milla asked.

"Vincent must've thought ahead of us and decided to take her with him. But not a problem see look over there." Koro pointed out.

Turning to where Koro was pointing Milla saw a large computer on it said shadow dragon control management as they began to walk toward a big robot that was half their size. Fell from the roof and as it landed it quickly swung its arm at the two dogs.

Acting quickly Milla formed a shield to protect them but the robot managed to smack them away from the force alone causing them to crash into a wall.

"Koro are you okay?" Milla said

"Yea but it seems that this ones a lot stronger than the others" Koro replies.

As they got up the robot began running towards them causing them to move out of the way just before it punches the wall.

"Quickly let's destroy the core on his chest" the husky said

"Okay" the basset said following Koro's instructions.

Using this opportunity Koro and Milla both delivered a powerful kick to the robots face sending it flying on its back.

"Quickly before it gets up" she said jumping on top of it
"Right" He said following her lead.

Once the two got on the robots body Koro cut the robots chest with his knife exposing the core then Milla focused her cube burst on the exposed area destroying the core in the process and shutting down the robot.

"Jeez that was random." Milla said

"Yeah I guess this must've been a fail safe of some kind c'mon let's get to that computer" Koro said as both hounds ran towards to giant computer.

Back to Lilac and co.

The dragon sail soon landed on shuigang but the moment it did it was surrounded by guards aiming their weapons. Among them was Nerra and King Dail. "Come out and surrender yourselves there's nowhere to go!" He said

As the ship opened Lilac and co. Exited the ship causing Dail to approach having his guard lower their weapons.

"Welcome back you guys" Dail said 

"Thanks bro" Spade said shaking his hand.

"Is everything alright here?" Neo said  walking towards Dail and Nerra with Lilac.

Um yes but....who are you if you don't mind me asking Dail said somewhat cautious.

Neo couldn't help but chuckle at Dail's cautiousness.
"I'm sorry your highness I'm Neo I'm the king of the dragon kingdom.

"He's my dad" lilac explained.

"Oh.....I see but what's going on right now" he asked

"Well Vincent had taken over my kingdom and turned all of my subjects into shadow dragons and it seems his next move is to take over the three kingdoms" Neo explained

"But why?" Dail asked

"He's just a man acting like a spoiled brat" Neo sated "he wanted the dragon race to thrive by making us more powerful and taking over the kingdom in the process when I denied his idea he continued his research behind my back and invaded my kingdom now he intends to finish what he started."

"Is there anything we can do to stop him?" Neera asked

"Right now our greatest advantage lies with Koro and Milla" Lilac said

"But worse case scenario we'll probably have to fight Vincent without them." Spade said.

"Okay we'll talk more later now what's our plan of attack" Dail asked

"I think we should make a forward assault towards Shang Tu with Shang Mu.

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