Chapter 7 castle raid.

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As the group headed towards the castle They decided to talk amongst themselves.

"So Lilac what's with that necklace?" Carol asked

"Oh it was given to me by Lucas he said that it belonged to my dad" she said

"Well that's cool I'm still surprised that your a princess though. I just hope that this doesn't change anything." the wildcat said.

"Of course not I'll always be your friend I promise" Lilac said hugging Carol.

"Right.....thanks" she says hugging her back.

"Yay hugs" the basset said joining the hug and earning a light giggle from the girls.

Koro looked at spark and noticed tears coming form his eyes.

"Are you ok Spark ?" Koro said

"Of course I'm okay what makes you say that" he said

"Your eyes." The Husky said pointing at them

"Oh this is nothin don't worry I'm just happy to have you as my brother" the blue dragon said petting his head

"C'mon man I'm not a little kid anymore" he said pulling his brothers hand of his head as he laughed.

As they were walking spade noticed the castle coming into view.

"Hey guys we're here" he said as they approached the castle only to find it's gate locked.

"How are we gonna get in?" Carol asked

"Hmm hold on" Koro said remembering the card that Joel gave him he took it out of his pocket and as he did it began to glow causing the gate to open.

"Huh that was oddly easy" Milla said

"Yeah but we should still move with caution" Lilac said earning a nod from the group as they entered the castle only for the gates to close behind them.

Meanwhile at the throne room

A solider walked in his face covered with a silver helmet "sir we have some unwelcome guests and the two dragons are with them " he said

"Is that so...find them and kill them but bring those two dragons to me alive." Vincent said

Back with Lilac and co.

"How long have been walking for. this hallway seems to go on forever" Carol said

"Now that you mention it this place does feel like it's looping over and over again" Spark said

"Something isn't right let me try something" spade said dropping a card on the floor "now let's try moving" he said.

As the the group walked down the hall it didn't take them long to notice the card spade dropped.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me" Carol said

"So we were walking in circles. But how do we get out?" Koro asked

"Well it like they always say when you can't find an exit you make one" Carol said

"Ok then Milla if you would?" Lilac asked the basset

"Right" she said creating a cube and blasting it through the wall creating a exit leading to the castles central hall.

"Huh can't believe that worked" Spark said shocked

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