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She, the ghost, was standing at a corner witnessing all this. Her feet were floating above the ground. She was having a frown on her pale face, cuts and bruises scattered all over her face and body. Her black long hair were covering most of her face, as they ran upto her waist. The school uniform on her pale body was looking like rags, covered with crimson red stains.

What kind of human being is this? Why he didn't scream? I love the sound of human screaming, like the guy before. Ugh... I gotta peek into his mind.

The ghost came floating where Yoongi was sleeping. She leaned in closer to the boy's face, lying on the couch. She kept examining his peacefully sleeping figure with her yellow eyes. She blinked, astonished by his beautiful face and smooth pale complexion. Shaking her head, she tried to bring her mind at the right place. She scowled.

"NO HUMAN CAN SLEEP PEACEFULLY IN THIS HOUSE!!" the ghost said gritting her teeth. She placed her forehead against Yoongi's to search for his fears. After leaning back, a smirk was plastered on her scary face.

A peacefully sleeping Yoongi's sleep was interrupted by another unusual sound.


"Ugh... What's that now?" he groaned. He opened his eyes with a frown on his face. He looked around to scan his surroundings to find the source of sound. Soon he realised that it was coming from the television beside him. He blinked multiple times to bring the clarity of his vision.

"Who switched on the TV now?" he sighed, but soon his eyes widened at the familiar voice. His heart began to beat faster as he gazed at the TV again.

It was his audition video, in front of him. There playing with a loud volume on the large TV screen. Yoongi abruptly got up and sat on the couch.

"No no no no no.... WHERE IS THE DAMN REMOTE?" he cursed as he searched for it near the couch and coffee table. He covered his ears with his palms at the loud volume as he strolled towards TV to find remote again.

"DAMN IT!" the frustrated Yoongi removed the plug of the TV. Letting out a sigh of relief, he turned around to stroll back to the couch. As he took few steps, he again heard that voice. He slowly turned around with wide eyes as he saw his audition video again there on TV. Yoongi's pale face was now sweating intensely. He let out a high pitched scream and dashed towards his and Seokjin's room.

Seokjin jumped and sat in his bed on the sound of Yoongi's scream and the thud on the door. Yoongi threw himself on the another bed beside Seokjin's and wrapped himself in the blanket.

"Oy- Suga. What happened?" asked Seokjin with sleepy eyes staring at the shivering figure of Yoongi.

"H-hyung... I saw my audition video playing on the TV outside on its own," said Yoongi as he slowly lifted his head to face Seokjin.

"Your audition video, huh?" Seokjin scratched his chin, pouting at the same time. "I think someone got the CD of your audition video from my bag pack."

"Exactl- Wait what?" Yoongi now stopped shivering and gazed at him, his eyebrows met at the middle. "You made a CD of my audition video? And you were keeping it with you all the time? Just... Why?" Yoongi was now confused as the anger overtook his previous fear.

"Wait wait.... What is this?" the older boy said as he sniffed the air around him. He followed the smell that tingled his strong nose and moved slowly towards Yoongi. Seokjin shifted closer to him with each sniff he took, his eyes closed shut until his and Yoongi's face were just inches away. One wrong move could make their lips touch. Yoongi's eyes widened as he gulped a lump in his throat. He sat there petrified, staring at Seokjin's face near him, his lips trembled.

"H-hyung. W-w-what are y-you doing?" stuttered Yoongi. Seokjin leaned back and Yoongi sighed in relief. Seokjin eyed him raising a brow.

"You ate a freaking pizza alone? Without me?" he complained, changing the mood in the air.

"Oh about that...? It may be somewhere there in the living room or kitchen," said the shorter boy, waving his hand in the air calmly, with eyes shut. "Go hunt for it, I am going back to my sleep."

Yoongi fell asleep as soon as he crashed on the bed. The ghost's anger was intensifying as she saw him sleeping again peacefully.

"What the hell is wrong with this human? He should be screaming and running out of this house. And he is sleeping again here?" hissed the ghost. "I should concentrate on scaring that older guy now."

Seokjin reached to the kitchen searching for the pizza. A smile formed on his face when he successfully found it.

"Yeah. Here it is." Jin walked towards the kitchen counter, where the pizza was. He grabbed a large piece of pizza out of the three pieces and started chewing it.

"Aah," he placed pizza again in the box to clap at it's amazing taste while shaking his head merrily. Then he continued eating the pizza.

"Where's the water?" the bleach haired boy scanned the kitchen to find a fridge. He walked towards the fridge, but before he could open the door, he found something written on a sticky note on the fridge's door.

"What's this? 'Seokjin is ugly?' What the hell?" his face contorted, as his ear turned red.

The ghost was beside the fridge, ready to scare him. Jin angrily opened the door to grab a bottle of water. As he opened the door, it slammed directly on the face of the ghost. The ghost groaned as she massaged her nose.

Jin heard the groan and encountered her when he shut back the door of the fridge.

"So... You wrote that thing on the sticky note, huh?" said Jin, folding his arms over his chest, tapping his left foot on the ground.

"Yess... I wrote it. You are ugly!" she hissed, gritting her teeth. "I am the ghost and I am here to scare you."

She raised her thorn-like fingers near her face and started laughing maniacally.

"You know what? I am supposed to be scared. But you triggered me babes!" Seokjin's words were quite unexpected for the ghost. Her laugh faded and she gazed at him with perplexity.

"Since when you haven't seen your face in the mirror?" Seokjin asked, glaring at the ghost. The ghost pondered and replied with a confused expression.

"Since 69 years," she said in her rough hoarse voice.

"Cool! Then let me tell you that you are the ugly one here. Get that?" he scolded the ghost, making her to gasp at him.

"No way, I am really beautiful. Boys used to go all crazy upon me in the high school when I was alive," the ghost flipped her hair proudly. Seokjin let out a sarcastic laugh which left the ghost in utter shock. "Why the hell are you laughing?"

Seokjin shook his head and gestured her to wait as he went to bring a mirror from the living room. He came back and lifted the mirror to show it to the ghost, pushing the insides of his cheek with his tongue. Of course, she hadn't seen her face since she died. So, her own reflection scared her as she screamed sharply. She flew away from there with both of her hands covering her face.

"I am the WORLDWIDE HANDSOME! You got that, the ugly ghost!?" Seokjin let out a triumphant laugh as he gave a flying kiss in the air and walked back proudly to his room to sleep.



So how do you like ghost's character? :p

I love Mr. Worldwide Handsome <3

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