🎶Chapter 1🎶

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It was a Monday, the start of the school week, and the only thing that everyone was talking about and the only news that flooded every social media was about a recent events of murders, the last one only being yesterday night.

It all started around a week ago, last Tuesday, when the body of a women around her early 20s was found in an alleyway, her throat and wrists both slit opened and a stab wound in the chest. On Friday, there was another victim. She was a 18 year old woman, just out of school and was waiting for the bus to visit family when she was attacked and murdered, the same way as the other woman.

Now only last night, a woman who was in her late 20s was murdered after exiting a shop, and was killed in the same way as the other two victims.

People on social media and in real life have named this killing The Sliter, for he always slits the writs and throats of his victims. Seems like a fitting name.

Jirou found it sickening. She found it sickening that someone could take away the life of another human and be alright with so much blood on their hands.

The female was sitting in her seat at her desk, scrolling through her social media and as usualy, no one could stop talking about the murders that have been happening. Some people talked about how it could be just some guy killing for fun, some people talked about how The Sliter could be the next big villain, and others say he might be working for someone.

Jirou didn't really care to be honest. She was tired of all this murder stuff and she just want to get through the week with no distractions.

As always, she couldn't wait for the school week to be over and couldn't wait for Saturday.

The reason why was because every Saturday night, close to Jirou's home, was a really cool hipster cafe that had karaoke night and on Saturday's. People can preform their own songs themselves, and the UA student was a regular singer there.

The staff there are really cool and so are the people who hang out there. There very supportive of her passion and tell Jirou that she should be a singer when she get out of school and wanted to presue something other then hero work.

The dark haired female was brought out of her thought's when someone tapped her shoulder. Jirou looked up, only to have a phone shoved into her face.

"Did you hear about the murder that happened only 15 minute's from here!?".

Jirou pushed the phone out of her face, only to see Kaminari, the boy who sits next to her.

"Yes I did. How could I not when that's all people talk about these days" she told him bluntly and went back to her own phone.

"Well I think it's kind of scary, don't you think?" Kaminari asked as he sat down in his own seat at his own desk.

"Why would I find it scary?"

"Well because how close the last murder was? It was only 15 minute's away from here and also, all the victims are girl's, so isn't that kind of scary?" Kaminari explained but Jirou only shrugged.

"Yeah yeah, I guess it's a bit scary, but I bet the police will catch this guy before another murder happens" Jirou told him, hoping to end the conversation quickly. She just didn't really feel like talking today, she was tired of talking and wanted a little alone time, but who doesn't want that these days.

Before Kaminari could get another word out, the bell rang and everyone who was standing ran to their seats before Aizawa came into the room and cought them. 

Mina was the last one to get in her seat before the door opened and Aizawa entered the room, his sleeping bag tucked under his arm as he closed the door. The man didn't even greet the students or say good morning to them, instead he stood in front of the class with a serious look.

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