Had No Choice

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Taylor's POV: 

I walked to work today. I decided to treat myself to Starbucks. Pushing the door open I saw my friend sitting at a table by the window. I quickly got my drink and sat down with her. 

"Hey!" I said taking the seat across from her.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" She responded as she grabbed my drink and took a sip.

"Um that's mine." I teased. "and i wanted a coffee before work"

"I thought it was your day off" She said handing it back.

"It is. My boss made me come in. But you'll never believe what happened to me yesterday." 

"You sold a monkey a hat!" She guessed jokinly. I laughed.

"No! Better!"

"What is better than a monkey in a hat?"

"I met Tom Hiddleston." I said and smiled.

"Wh-What?! That's amazing! How?" She yelled practically jumping out of her seat.

"He came into the store looking for a leather jacket." 

"I so jealous!" She said crossing her arms. "I wish i was there."

"I gets better" I said smirking. "He gave me his number" She nearly fell off her chair almost spilling both our drinks.

"Did you call him!?" 

"No" I looked at the clock. I was going to be late. "I have to go." I said picking up my things and running out the door before she could say anything.

When I got to the store the manager yelled at me. I was only 3 minutes late too. But she's bitch all the time so i didnt take it personally. I walked behind the register and pulled out my comic. This is my favorite issue too. 

I got lost in my reading and didnt even notice the costumer standing in front of me.

"Excuse me." He said. I looked up and nearly fell back.

Tom's POV:

She almost fell into the counter behind her when she saw me. I reached out and grabbed her hand helping her regain her balance. 

"Hello dear" I said smiling.

"Hi. uh. Can I help you..." she paused then added "Again?" with a smile.

"Yes you can. Next time you can call  me when i give you my number" I teased.

"I-I uhm..." She looked a bit distruaght. "I didnt know you actually wanted me to." she finally said. Of course i wanted her too. Why else would i have given her my number?

"Well dear i did wish you would have called. But since you didnt i had to come back here. Lucky for me your are here today. " I said with a smile still holding her hand.

Taylor's Pov:

He came back just to see me again? What's going on? I looked at his smile. What an amzaing smile. I realized he was still holding me hand. I freaked out and pulled my hand away.

He looked sad "Did I do something wrong?" He asked with his puppy eyes. 

"Oh no." I said "I just... Uh". I paused "I know your Tom Hiddleston" He nodded as i said that.

"And?" He asked as if he were as normal as any other guy who walked through those doors.

"And your famous." I finally managed to get out.

"So because i am and actor, you cant hold my hand?" He asked teasingly reaching for my hand once more. I let him hold it.

"Im just a bit shocked still" I said.

"well" He said pulling my comic towards him to see it. I cringed slightly. "I see your a fan of loki" He smiled and laughed. 

"Uh yeah i am" I said blushing. 

"Taylor, would you like to accompany me to a movie tonight?" 

"I would love to" I said quickly and surprised by his invitation. 

"Then I will pick you up at 6" He said smiling. "Oh and wear something nice. I have a meeting at 7 and I am bringing you." he said with a smile.

"Okay" Is all i could get out. I wrote my number and address down on a scrap piece of paper and handing it to him.

Then all of a sudden I hear my manager call my name. "I'll be right back" I said turning to go find her. I walked into the back room and there she was. "What do you think you are doing?" she yells but not loud enough for Tom to hear. "I was uh helping the costumer." I said. "You were doing more than that. But if he isnt going to buy anything im going to kick him out and dock your pay" "I'll make sure he buys something" I said and quickly ran back to where Tom was standing.

"Whats with the rush?" He joked.

"My manager told me that if you arent buying anything she is going to kick you out and take some of my paycheck. So could you help me out and buy something please?" I begged with a smile.

"Of course dear." he said. "Where are your cardigans?" He said with a smile. I laughed and lead him to the rack.

"So now your the cardigan type?" I teased. 

"I think i may have too many leather jackets. I want to broadening my style." He joked back and laughed.

He ending up picking out black one and a grey scarf and we headed back to the counter. I rung him up and he thanked me again. Just as he was about to walk out he turned smiling and said "Remember to wear something nice" And with that he walked out.

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