Whisper in the Wind

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~Whisper in the Wind~

Snow dots the sky.

Cool air bites my cheeks,

Making me shiver.

Catching snowflakes

On my tongue.

They quickly dissolve,

Making me giggle.

A hat,


And crutches

Is what we required

To build,

A fantastic creation,

We call,

A snowman.

He's precious as gold,

You see.

Attracting attention

From the passerby's.

In a small town,

I once called home.

My snowman did not frown,


Or cheat.

He laughed,


And played

With me.

And as the days grow warm,

I remember that day,

In a small town,

I once called home.

I made a friend,

Who was like,

A whisper in the wind,

Swept away,

By a warm breeze

On a cool day.

Now my friend,


But not forgotten.

My very own,

Whisper in the wind.

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