Chapter 4

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  Ronnie POV

 “WHATTHEHECKISHAPPENING?!” I whisper yelled to Ruby so the sketchy guy who was leading us.. backstage? Yeah. I think they said backstage, but I dunno.. How would my friends get those kinda connections???.. anyways I was whispering so he wouldn’t hear because I don’t know him and what if he IS kidnapping us or something, I don’t want him to know I’m on to him. Gotta be in stealth mode.

“Ryan said that he’s taking us backstage, Ronnie, that’s about all I know.” Ruby said, with a dumb grin on her face, so I knew she was thinking about how this was perfectly dramatic and would make a great addition to the YouTube video she was planning to make about the night. She, Ryan, and I shared an account called TheHolyTrinity on YouTube, and we had just under half a million followers. Tyler Oakley had found us, and tweeted about our covers and videos a few months back, and from there our subscription numbers have taken off. He was a pretty great guy.

“Ronnie, whatcha thinking about?” Ruby asked, I guess because she noticed I was staring into space as we continued to follow the guy through a labyrinth of doors and passageways.

“Tyler Oakley.” I blurted out, then blushed realizing how random it must seem, seeing as how we’re at a freaking ONE DIRECTION concert, and are supposedly heading BACKSTAGE and I’m thinking about Tyler. But she just laughed, probably used to my thought processes.

“Thinking about our channel?”

“Mmmhmmm.,.” I said, as I slipped through what I really hoped was the last doorway and was faced with two couches, a loveseat, several chairs, and four really attractive guys that I’m pretty sure were just on stage. I gulped.

“Uhmm.. Ruby..?” I whimpered.. yeah, I’m not proud of it, I whimpered.

            She nodded, and looked at me like ‘yeah, I’m freaking out too, but try to appear calm’, then cleared her throat and waved at the lads staring at us. Other people were walking around but no one noticed us. I guess they assumed if someone had made it this far through security, they were allowed in.

“I-I’m Ruby,” She began, gesturing to her self, and I had to do a double take, because she just stuttered, and I’ve known her forever. She’s not a stutterer.

“I’m Ronnie…” I announced secondly, hoping that the other girls would get the hint.

“Emily.” Em stated, waving and blushing like mad.

“Uhm…. Hiyah, I’m Ryan” She said it while staring at the floor, most likely wishing she was wearing different shoes or something.

“AND I’M ASHLEY, the most important one!” Ash said, beaming, of course she would be the one to break the ice like that. I face palmed, and noticed that most of the other girls did too.

I heard giggling coming from the couch across the room, and looked up. The curly haired one, with dimples was laughing, I’m not quite sure of his name… not Harry… his hair was too light but… who…

“Ashton” The guy laughing managed to get out, before the rest of the guys started dying right along with him.

            “And what are y’alls names? Since you can’t seem to stop laughing long enough to tell us.” Ryan said sarcastically… as usual she is too sarcastic for her own and everyone else good, and the laughing faltered. I saw the one with green hair start to say something, and judging by the gleam of annoyance in his eyes, it probably wouldn’t be nice, but I cut him off.

            “And you can’t seem to stop using sarcasm long enough to breathe.” I retorted, as I walked over to the couch adjacent to the one that the blond haired boy (… Lucas.. no, Luke, Emily would kill me when she finds out I haven’t been paying attention to her 5sos lessons enough to even know their first names) and Ashton were seated. I stuck out my hand, but Ashton just chuckled again before pulling me in for a hug. He was cuddly, and a good hugger, not to mention pretty attractive, so it’s not like I could complain.

            “Guysssss introduce yourselvessss, I know they probably should know, but just tell them, yeah?” He whined, as he pulled away. I sighed, his hug was nice.

            The guy with the colored hair smirked, and waved at us, “I’m Michael, which I’m sure you know. I mean, I’m the most important one after all.” He said, winking at Ashley, and she flushed.  “The monkey over there is Calum,” he gestured to the guy to his right, who smiled, “And blondie is..” He nodded towards where the other boy was sitting, but Emily interrupted, no longer able to contain herself.

“LUKE! THAT’S LUKE. AND I KNEW ALL OF YOUR NAMES, AND I LOVE YOU, AND I’M SORRY BUT I JUST CANT. BREATHE. OKAY. I’M GONNA SIT NOW.” She eats, sleeps, and breathes this band, and has since the YouTube days, loving them even more than One Direction, so the girls and I understood, but I felt kinda bad for the assault I knew would be coming for the guys.  Yet they just laughed, not as scared as I would be if I was them with Em in the room.

“ S’alright love, and here, come sit with me.” Luke said, winking, and resting his arm out on the back of the couch, then gesturing for her to take the seat next to him.

She almost fainted, but recovered quickly and nodded, moving to join him. Ruby took a seat on the loveseat that was situated between the two ends of the couch, and Ryan sat next to her, but scooted so that she was on the end closest to where Luke sat, eyeing his arm around Em. I smirked, sneaky sneaky. Ashley looked around, probably breaking out of whatever daze she had been under from being in their presence, (there’s really no telling what these girls are gonna do when One Direction comes in here), and takes a seat between Michael and Calum, still blushing from Mikey’s (I think I’ve heard Emily call him that before) comment.

“So… Anyways.. Why exactly are you guys making our acquaintance?” Calum piped up, clicking his phone off and setting it on the coffee table in front of him. Beside which I noticed was Nutella.. mmmm Nutella…

“Well, Harry and Zayn kind of told a bodyguard guy to bring us back here… after Zayn knocked her,” Ruby explained, gesturing to Ryan, “Down.”

“Yep, that’s what they said at least, and Ry was trampled by some sketch guy in a hoodie a little before the show started, so it’s starting to make sense. But uhm, can I have some of that?” I asked, shyly looking towards the Nutella, my baby, my love, my addiction. There was a spoon on top just waiting and everything. It was calling to me.

“Uhhh sure, I guess? I think Niall had asked for some earlier though, so you might run the risk of death—“ he began, but after I heard sure, I dove for it. Blah blah, Niall, blah blah, death, was all I got out as I unscrewed the lid and began shoveling. 


"Fine you're right, WAIT A MINUTE! Now you're eating it! You LIAR!" I screamed attacking her to get the Nutella back.

Calum POV

"Um guys.... shouldn't we be helping them before they, oh i dont know KILL EACH OTHER?!" I asked after the two random girls started fighting over nutella. 

"As weird as this sounds, or maybe it doesn't actually sound that weird... this is a completely normal occurance that happens quite often so we just let it happen." the sarcastic ginger girl said in an oddly unsarcastic tone.

"Seriously? Well hopefully they stop before Niall gets back..." Ashton started to say but was cut off but the door opening.

"Who should stop what before i get back? Where's my nutella guys? guys? nutella?" Niall questioned walking in with the other boys.


Picture of Ronnie to the Side

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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