Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Ryan's POV

*skip through the rest of the drive*

“Guys we’re here” I shouted over the music as I was parking

“You’ve got the tickets right?” Ashley asked Emily while getting out of the car.

“Yeah they’re right here in her purse, Em gave them to Ry for safe keeping before we left.” Ruby said walking, handing me my bag while laughing because Ronnie tripped as she was getting out of the car.

“Oh good… WAIT a. how did you get my purse? and b. why did you go into said purse?” I asked her catching up so I could grab my bag back from her.

“You tossed it in back to me when we got in the car so I could get lip gloss, remember?” she replied, and smiled so I could see the coral shade she chose, which looked great on her. Another one of her talents I guess, knowing exactly what looked good on everyone, especially herself.

“Oh yeahhhhh… whoops. Sorry, blonde moment.” I giggled slowing down to staighten my shirt (outfit link in the first comment below), and Ronnie and Ashley could catch up before we went to the ticket personel.

Emily grabbed the tickets from me and handed them out, making sure we all had passes for the meet and greet. Our invites for the afterparty were still in the car, carefully tucked in the dash so no crazed fan girl would break in, and we wouldnt worry about losing them.

“Have fun tonight ladies” the creepy guy with dirty hair and a scary smile taking our tickets said winking at Ruby.

Me and Ashley started giggling as we walked in. “He was quite the catch there right Ruby?” Ashley choked out because she could hardly breathe after laughing too hard.

“Shut uppppp, the only guy I am interested in tonight would be Harry. As in Styles.” Ruby replied walking ahead with Ronnie and Em, shuffling her poster to her other hand to make more of a dramatic scene.

Em scoffed while Ronnie just mumbled a quiet “Yeah, that’ll happen” under her breathe.

“Let’s just go find our seats, the concert starts in an hour and I want to be able to go get a t-shirt and a drink before it starts.” I said looking down at the ticket not paying attention to where I was going until I ran into something hard that fell down along with me.

“Sorry love, I wasn’t watching where I was going” I heard a deep British voice say while helping me stand. I looked up to see a tall frame standing in front of me. I'm only 5 foot, therefore most people are taller than me so this didn't surprise me much, but he had somewhat of a disguise on, which did surprise me. Still holding my arm, the stranger with the hood pulled down over his face, and big sunglasses suddenly seemed to be in a rush.

“Well, sorry again for bumping into you, I gotta go…” the mystery guy said running off in the other direction.

“Uhm, Your good!” I called after him.

Stupid. Why couldn't I think of anything better to say? 

Sighing, I saw the other girls up ahead and ran to catch up to them.

Zayn’s POV

Oh no, oh no, I am so late! Crap, Crap, the concert starts in an hour and I still need to get ready. As I was running to get back stage I ran into this girl that was totally beautiful. She had short shoulder length reddish hair, not something you saw all the time, and it looked natural. She had on a gray jumper that had “XO” written on it, with high-waisted shorts and flowery combat boots. She was so short but so adorable. I realized too late I was focusing on her too much to pay attention to where I was going simutaneously, so of course I ran straight into her, knocking her over.

“Sorry love, I wasn’t watching where I was going” I said while helping her stand. She looked up but since she was so short, I basically towered over her.. it was kindof fun, Then I realized she couldn’t tell who I was because of the hood and sun glasses I was wearing, it was the point, but I was considering telling her who I was until my phone beeped. Probably the guys asking where I was, I needed to go, and I had been holding her and standing here staring at her longer than appropriate for never having met her before.

“Well, sorry again for bumping into you, I gotta go…” I said running off in the other direction.

“You’re good!” She called after me as I was trying to get backstage… hopefully I see her again on stage or at the party later. It's doubtful she has a pass to that, but I can hope.

I finally got to the dressing rooms and opened the door quickly going in so I could get ready really fast.

“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!” Liam asked.

“After the sound check you just disappeared” Louis said

“Well, Perrie texted me saying we needed to talk, and after I got there she was with this other guy and they were all over each other. She said she met someone else that she liked better so she dumped me and when I was coming back I ran into this gorgeous girl… literally.” I replied to both of them.

“Oh lad, I am so sorry. Did you at least get this girls name?!?” Niall asked.

“Did she have any cute friends with her?” Harry screamed.

“REALLY HARRY? I don’t know I didn’t exactly pay attention. And no Niall, I didn't think about it. Hopefully I’ll see her during the concert or the after party, the only thing is she didn’t recognize me so she might be confused as to why I’m suddenly creeping on her.” I replied “Now get out so I can get ready.”

"Okay, okay we get it when we aren't wanted..." Niall said jokingly as he and Harry walked out.

Emily's POV

"Who was that guy?!?!?!?!?!?!?" I asked Ryan as soon as we got to our seats.

"HOW SHOULD I KNOW EM?! He had a hoodie pulled over his face and sunglasses. All I could tell was he was tan and British." Ryan replied slightly annoyed.

"No need to get grouchy babes, it was just a question" Ruby said to Ryan trying to get her to calm down.

"Do you think it could be one of the boys? Like Zayn or something?!" I asked getting excited, I know it's not really possible but that would be so cool.

"Doubtful..." Ryan scoffed

"Well... okayyy then Ms. I-can't-tell-what-people-look-like! No need to be rude." I replied sassily.

Turning towards the stage, I noticed they were beginning to set up for 5 Seconds of Summer, I fought back screaming in excitement. I loved them the same, nearly more than One Direction, and had been crazy excited when I found out they were opening for boys again.

We had seats so close to the stage it was unreal, I still don't know how my parents managed getting us these seats AND passes to the after party. Its all just like a dream come true.

I could hear Ruby talking to Ronnie about how she thinks tonight could be the night she finally gets Harry and shook my head, smiling. I really hate how she has been throwing herself at guys lately, but I'd probably give her a free pass for one of the boys. Even so, I don't really think even SHE could manage for that to happen, so we shouldn't have anything to worry about.






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