Chapter 4

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Mariella's POV

Outfit and image aboveThe next morning the sun was shining and we decided to play outside

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The next morning the sun was shining and we decided to play outside. Well most of us. Susan brought a book outside and I sat under a tree with Lucy, drawing Mr. Tumnus, while the boys played cricket. Somehow Ed managed to rope Susan into playing with them. Peter threw the ball and hit Ed in the leg.

"Woops. Wake up dolly daydream," Peter said with a bit of a laugh as Susan threw the ball back to Peter.

Ed started to complain about being outside, asking if we could play hide and seek again. Lucy gave him a foul look before turning back to her book. Susan's answer was that we could all use the fresh air. Peter threw the ball again and Ed hit it through a window. We all ran to investigate. Ed had knocked over a suit of armor and part of the stained glass was severely broken. Peter and Ed started fighting about whose fault it was when we heard the MaCready coming up the stairs to yell at us. We all ran throughout the house. Somehow we found our way up to the room with the wardrobe inside it. Ed hurried us inside and someone kept shoving me to the back of the wardrobe. Everyone was shouting and pushing and pulling, complaining that toes were being stepped on.

"Impossible," Susan whispered in awe looking around at the snow.

"Don't worry," I started.

"It's probably just your imagination," Lucy finished.

"I-I don't suppose saying we're sorry would quite cover it," Peter said looking between Lucy and me.

"No, it wouldn't. But that might." Lucy and made a snowball and Lucy threw hers at Peter while I threw it towards Ed. That is turn started a snowball fight. Susan threw hers at Ed and he complained again.

"You little liar," Peter accused.

"You didn't believe them either," Ed defended.

"Apologize to Lucy and Mari... Say you're sorry!"

"Alright. I'm sorry."

"That's alright," Lucy started.

"Some children just don't know when to stop pretending," I finished, brushing my hand up and down my arms to attempt to get warm.

"Maybe we should go back," Susan spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Shouldn't we at least take a look around," Ed said, motioning to the rest of Narnia.

"I think Lucy and Mari should decide," Peter said.

"I'd like you all to meet Mr. Tumnus," Lucy said, the biggest grin on her face.

"Well, then Mr. Tumnus it is." Peter walked back into the closet and grabbed us some fur coats to keep us warm. He gave Ed a girl's coat.

We started walking through the forest towards Mr. Tumnus's house. Peter and Susan were marveled by all the snow. Just beyond the mountain resides the residence of Mr. Tumnus. As we passed the edge of the mountain Lucy and I took off running forcing the others to follow us. The door of the home was busted in. I called out but Mr. Tumnus was gone. Inside the place was trashed. Everything was broken and strewn across the floor. Nailed to a post was a letter.

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