Chapter 3

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Drawing above^^^

Mariella's POV

Lucy and I burst out of the closet and the room just as Peter finished counting. Lucy yelled that we were back and Ed yelled for her to be quiet just as Peter came up the stairs.

"You know, I'm not quite sure the three of you got the idea of this game," Peter said.

"Weren't you wondering where we were?" Lucy asked confused.

I looked outside and saw it still daylight out. How is that possible? We've been gone for hours?

"That's the point," Ed spoke using slow words as if Lucy was stupid. "That's why he was seeking you."

"Does this mean I win?" Susan asked coming in from behind Peter.

"I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore," Peter vocalized.

"We've been gone for hours? Right, Mari?" Lucy uttered.

"Peter it's true we really left," I sounded, first time since we came back.

"Well then where did you go?" Peter asked.

"Narnia. We went through the wardrobe."

Susan opened the wardrobe while Ed looked at the back but Narnia was gone.

"There's no door," Susan confirmed.

"One game at a time you two. We all don't have your imagination," Peter asserted leaving the room.

"But it was real, we haven't imagined anything!" I yelled calling forth their attention one more time.

"Enough," Susan declared.

"We wouldn't lie about this," Lucy added.

"Well I believe you," Ed spilled.

"You do?"

"Yeah, of course. Didn't I tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboard?" Ed joked.

"Oh, will you just stop. Just have to make everything worse don't you?" Peter asked stepping closer to Ed.

"It's just a joke."

"When are you going to learn to grow up?"

"Peter stop it right now. Just because you lost all sense of wonder doesn't mean everyone else should. And you, you know better than to play those kinds of jokes on people," I said pointing between both of my brothers.

"You think you're dad but you're not!" Ed yelled, completely ignoring me, before running out of the room.

"Well that was nicely handled," Susan retorted looking at both of us before following Ed.

"But it really was there," Lucy whispered one last time.

"Susan's right Lucy, that's enough," Peter said before leaving me and Lucy alone.

Lucy shut the wardrobe before taking my hand and we went back downstairs. After dinner, I promised Lucy that we would sneak out after dark and go check on Mr. Tumnus. I tucked Lucy into bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead promising to be back. I walked over to Peter and Ed's room to see Peter sitting by the radio again and Ed pretending to be asleep. I gave Peter a kiss on the cheek and whispered 'good night'. I walked over to Ed and sat down on his bed behind his legs and just rested my arm on him.

"Ed. I'm sorry about before. It's just Lucy was already upset because you all refused to believe us and you know how much I hate when any of you are upset. I promise Ed I'm not mad and I never was-" I started my apology.

"Yes, you were. And I'm sorry too. I just thought it would be funny, I'm sorry," Ed spoke sitting up in bed.

"I accept your apology but you have to tell Lucy too. She won't be mad at you."

"I know. I just feel lost without dad."

"We all are. Don't worry, I just know things will get better. Good night Ed."

"Good night."

I quietly shut the door and made my way upstairs. Before the MaCready called lights out I began to sketch the lamp post in Narnia. I quickly folded the picture and set it in my robe pocket. I shut my light off before going to find Lucy. She had lit a candle and she led the way upstairs. I opened the wardrobe door and the candle blew out. We both smiled and walked inside.

We saw Mr. Tumnus and he was alright. The White Witch didn't find out that he helped us or even met us. On the way back we saw Edmund.

"Edmund?" Lucy called. "Oh, Edmund you got here too. Isn't it wonderful?" She asked hugging him.

"Where've you been?" Ed asked.

"With Mr. Tumnus. He's fine, the White Witch didn't find out about him meeting us," I answered.

"The White Witch?"

"Well she calls herself the Queen of Narnia but she isn't."

"Are you alright? You look awful," Lucy asked.

"Well, what did you expect? I mean, it's freezing. How do we get out of here?" Ed answered suddenly looking and sounding flustered.

"Come on." Lucy and I each took one of Edward's hands and we led him back through the snow and out the wardrobe.

Once back in England Lucy ran to tell Peter the good news. Peter, of course, didn't believe us thinking that we dreamt the whole thing. When Lucy said that Ed was there he denied the whole thing. Saying that he shouldn't have pretended with us. Lucy ran out crying and I followed after her. We ran downstairs and she bumped into something. We both looked up and there stook Professor Kirk. Lucy wrapped her arms around him, tears still falling down her cheeks. Mrs. Macready started yelling at us before noticing the professor was standing with us. He sent Lucy off to get hot chocolate with Mrs. MaCready. Peter and Susan started to leave but the Professor stopped them.

"You seem to have upset the delicate internal balance of my housekeeper," the Professor started.

"We're very sorry sir. It won't happen again," Peter said before grabbing Susan's and mines robe sleeve.

"Sir we found Narnia, Lucy and I," I stated before I lost my nerve.

"What did you say?" he asked.

"In the upstairs wardrobe. It's positively magnificent. And the forest is really beautiful-"

"That's enough Mari," Peter interrupted. "They won't stop going on about it.

"What did you see?" The professor asked paying no mind to Peter.

"Here I drew a picture, but it's only part of what we saw." I took out my drawing and handed it to the professor.

"You're not saying you believe them?" Peter questioned.

"You don't?" the Professor inquired.

"But of course not sir, logically it's impossible," Susan added.

"What do they teach in schools these days?" The professor mumbled to himself.

"Edmund said they were pretending," Peter tried to explain.

"And he's the more truthful one is he?" The professor asked.

"No this would be the first time."

"If their not mad and not lying then logically we must assume that they are telling the truth. They are your sisters, aren't they? You're a family! It's high time you start acting like one." He takes a long drag of his pipe.

I go to check on Lucy to see her practically falling asleep on the chair in the kitchen. I thank Mrs. MaCready before helping Lucy up the stairs.

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