chapter two: in which fitz thinks everyone doesn't know about his crush on linh

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Telepathy wasn't as awkward as it normally was. Sophie finally having the guts to confess her feelings to the Vacker boy. Though when they talked it out, she realized that she hadn't actually liked him.

Sophie had liked him for so long it felt normal, so her mind switched into that sort of mindset. It felt cruel in a way, that her mind had played a twisted game on her.

When it came to both of them doing cognate training, Tiergan still wanted them to blow all their secrets off of one another which Sophie couldn't blame as she was the secretive type.

'So... wanna start with something easy? Like who was dorming with?' Fitz asked, his crisp accent filling Sophie's mind.

'I've got Linh' Sophie answered, her smooth voice filling Fitz's mind.

'Well I'm stuck with Keefe again' Fitz grumbles, though there's a teasing glint in his teal eyes.

'How come he's managed to get into my room when opposite genders aren't allowed?' Sophie asks, her brows arched.

Keefe had somehow made it through the security, surprising her. She had doubted that he could get through when he offered to help her unpack. He had her fooled as he made it through and didn't even get caught (though those years of pulling pranks and hiding from Alina might have been useful)

Keefe surprised Sophie in many ways.

'What? How does he do that?' Fitz questioned, just as surprised as Sophie is.

'I dunno, but we're getting sidetracked' Sophie pointed out, wagging a finger at Fitz.

'Ah, you know I just don't want to do this.' Fitz complained.

'Hey, to be fair almost everyone knows you like Linh.' Sophie arched a brow, Fitz's face going red.

This was ironic considering how Fitz always used to make Sophie red. Now it was the other way around.

'A-almost everyone?' Fitz choked out and Sophie sat there in amazement. She didn't know someone could stutter while transmitting.

But then again Sophie and Fitz weren't like most cognates.

'Yeah almost everyone, Linh doesn't know' Sophie grinned and Fitz groaned, dragging a hand onto his face.

'Why did I ever let you meet Keefe?' Fitz said.

'Hey, Keefe was skipping out on classes when he met me.' Sophie shot back and that seemed to be all the time they had because the bell rung signaling lunch.

✄- - - - - - - - - -

Lunch was Sophie's favorite period because why couldn't it be? She didn't have to stress on paying attention, paying attention during a test or paying attention when the teacher's talking to her.

To put it simply, she didn't really have to pay attention.

She simply could just relax, her shoulders slumped while she put some weird but oddly tasting like human food, Elvin food into her mouth and seem like she's paying attention when Biana's talking about something (Most likely whatever girl happened to want to one up her in being the most fashionable at Foxfire).

"Foster," Someone brings her out of her thoughts, and she quite knows who this person is, so it kinda means she can ignore them. Or rather, him.

"Sophie," This time Sophie is sure to pay attention to Keefe because he barely uses her first name and you better pay attention when Keefe doesn't use a nickname.

"Biana told me to remind you about matchmaking scrolls," Keefe informed, which made Sophie groan.

When Biana came weeping to her about how much she missed her best friend, Sophie agreed to apply for her matchmaking scrolls out of pity.

Just cause, she didn't want to make Biana curious on how she spent her days shut out from her friends. Because she couldn't woman up to tell her that she shut herself off completely.

"Ugh," Sophie simply said and that made Keefe question what's up because he's worried for his girl.

That and his job was to persuade her to apply for the match (Damn Biana and her persuading skills).

"Come on Foster, it won't be so bad. Just fill out the stupid questions and turn it in. If you don't like your list you don't even have to apply for another one. That simple." Keefe persuades, using that soft voice of his that he knows Sophie's weak for.

They've spent far more time than their group of friends.

"I don't even want to apply for the match. If I get the first list I can't exactly be not happy with it. Almost everyone falls in love with someone on their list." Sophie rubs her temples, Keefe sighing.

He's going to have to pull something he doesn't want too but she pulled it on him so many years ago.

"Do it for me then. Don't do it for anyone else, just for me." Keefe looks Sophie into the eyes, his face completely serious.

"Fine, but only for you." Sophie says. She's said the words so many years ago it's only fair that she lets Keefe pull it on her.

authors note:

this is like the second remake of this authors note.


I edited this up a bit and I have ideas for this book!!! It's going to be unpublished for a while I think? I don't know if I'm going to unpublish it or just work on it and still have it be published.

I'll let you know next chapter. Or you'll find out if you can't seem to read the next chapter. :))))

anyways, thanks for reading, I really appreciate it. And 23k reads? Woah!

my first and last love || sokeefe (slowly editting)Where stories live. Discover now