Fish That Glow Pink

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A/N: A little tale I made up...I sort of like it and I'm thinking of writing a longer story for this...?

Either way, hope you guys like it.


"Fish That Glow Pink"

On a private farm, out in the hills of a quiet and peaceful city, there once lived a little girl who was born in the spring. Hailey, with eyes the colour of honey and hair the colour of hay, was revered for her beauty and joyful presence wherever she went. But she was slightly odd, odd in the sense that her mind was always up in the clouds and never glued to the ground. Her mother would point her finger and shake her head whenever she showed up, but only after her name was called for the fifth time.

Hailey grew up never the less, with her imagination intact. At the age of five, she was climbing trees and chasing pirate monkeys out of them, even though she lived in the country where no jungle could be seen. At the age of seven, she was climbing up cliffs like the cliffs of Mount Everest and conquering worlds only she could see.

When she came to the age of eleven, she harboured a secret, and that secret was a new friend. At that age, she knew it wasn’t possible for her to make imaginary friends, but her friendly nature accepted the weird circumstance in which she met this new friend. Her new friend was a boy, and he lived in the lake. Hailey would row out on her little boat and look down into her reflection, but only to see this midnight haired and blue eyed boy looking back at her. He told her his name was Gunther, and he told her tales of another land, a land where the stars were big in the sky and the moon even bigger. A land where the skies were forever in a hue of purple and the fish glow pink. She even saw one of these fish when Gunther reeled one in.

Between these two children, a girl who was from a planet named Earth, and a boy who lived in the land where nobody knows, they became close and would spend hours and hours together, both in their boat, looking down into the waters. Anyone walking by would think them crazy, leaning over the boat and whispering secrets to the fish below them, but neither cared for their own people’s gossip. A year went by and they continued their meetings, which always came to an end when the sun disappeared beyond the horizon.

Hailey’s mother, as worried as she was, decided to sell the property and pack up their things to move into the city. Hailey refused, not believing the reasons of a new life with more choices and better education. But as stubborn as she was, her mother was more stubborn, and so Hailey and Gunther split ways with a whisper of goodbye to the waters of the lake beneath them.

Years past, and Hailey grew up in the lights of the city. She went to school and graduated, slowly forgetting her earlier days on the farm she grew up on as she made new friends. But even though she lived a more than joyous life amongst the city people, she felt a part of her soul was missing, left behind in the house she grew up in. And so, at the age of twenty one, she returned to the hills and set foot back on the property.

Things were still the same, except the current owners seemed lazy with cutting the grass, for the blades brushed her knees bared to the sun. But even with the state of the grass around her, she was still able to find the beaten old path that led down to the lake. Her boat was harder to find though, wrapped and hidden with vines and years of leaves. Once uncovered, though the boat was smaller than she remembered, she pulled the boat carefully to the waters and hopped in. Picking up the oars, she rowed her way out into the middle of the lake.

Hailey felt a little bit excited, but also a bit improper, for she was twenty one, a grown woman, rowing out onto the lake in a little boat – she could imagine the tales from the neighbours. Once reaching the spot on the lake, she slowly leaned over the edge of the boat and peered down into it…but she saw nothing but her own reflection and the blue sky above her. Her heart sank in disappointment. She sat there and thought about how perhaps her imagination as a child was uncontrolled and wild, which lead her to imagine a friend who lived in the lake.

But with one last bit of hope in her heart, she leaned over the side of the boat. This time, she had miscalculated her weight and with a bump on the other side of the boat, she tumbled into the water. Kicking her way to the surface, she grabbed a hold of the side of her boat and gasped for air.

“Ah, sorry ‘bout that. Didn’t see you there.” A voice said.

Hailey looked up and found a boy, or rather a young man, looking at her with eyes so familiar. The young man steered his boat over to her and helped her out of the water. This young man made her heart race with anticipation, with the midnight colour of his hair and the way his eyes were as blue as the day. She introduced herself as she shivered in his boat. He introduced himself as Gunther, and that made her smile as wide as the moon.

And so, he told her tales, tales of how he had moved next door to this lake several years ago, and tales of another land, a land where the stars were big in the sky and the moon even bigger. A land where the skies were forever in a hue of purple and the fish glow pink.


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