The Letter

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Two days later
Mary's point of view
"Francis we need to find him, he's starving by now." I said "Mary I promise you were doing everything we can to find our little boy." He said "Francis he's so scared, I know he is. I can't sleep, all I hear every second of the day is his little cry." I said "Mary I know all the pain your going through, I'm going through the same thing but we need to stay strong." He said "Francis I can't, I love him to much." I said "I know, I love him too, so much. But we need to stay strong so we can find him." He said, I cried into his chest. "Try to get some rest, I'm going to go talk to my father about how the searching is coming." He said "Will he still not let you go out and look for him?" I asked "No, he said it's to much of a risk that I could get taken too. But I don't care if I do, James is my son and I need to go find him." He said "If you go out be safe." I said "I will." He kissed my forehead then walked out. I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't, I miss him falling asleep is my arms and waking me up crying. I just want him back. I heard a banging on the balcony. I walked over and looked but there was nothing there, I closed the door and laid back down. Suddenly I felt a knife against my throat. "Scream and I will slit your throat." A man said "Now get up and go to your desk." He said, I did as he said and sat down at my desk. "What do you want me to do now?" I asked "Write a letter to your husband." He said "What do you want me to say?" I asked "Tell your the one who staged the kidnapping because your leaving him to marry a better man and you want to take James away from him." He said "Tell me where my son is first." I said "Write the god damn letter and you will be brought to him." He said, I looked up and saw Olivia
Dear Francis,
You have failed me as a husband and our child as a father. You have disappointed me time and time again, like when you cheated on me with Olivia or when you didn't protect me from Condé. I am responsible for James's abduction, I felt I needed to get him away from you because you are an unfit father. I have left you to marry a real man who can properly take care of my son. I know this is my first time telling you this but it is how I have felt since that night in the gardens.
Sincerely, your Mary
God I hope he gets the little hints. "Let me read it." The man said then grabbed it from me. "Good, let's go." He grabbed my arm. "Olivia where are you taking me?" I asked "To see my husband." She said "Who is your husband?" I asked "Louis Condé, the bourbon prince." She said proudly. "What? He's dead." I said "No he's not, you thought he was dead but did you ever bother to go look at his body? Because of you did you would see it was missing." She said
"And you two are married now?" I asked "Yes, I loved Francis and for some reason, god knows why, Condé loved you so we found love in each other because we couldn't have the people we love." She said "Well isn't that just tragic." I said "Shut up." She hit me over the head with a candle stick, everything went black. When I woke up I was laying on the stone floor and my night gown was ripped. "Where is my son? You said I would get to see him!" I screamed "Stop your bitching." One of them said then poked there sword through the bars "Please, I just want to see my son." I said "Hold on." The other one said then walked down the hall, after a few minutes he came back. "Come on." He said then unlocked my cell and grabbed my arm then led me down the hallway. We got to a room that looked like some sort of throne room. Condé was holding James. "Sweet Mary." He said, James was crying. "God how do you get him to shut up?" He yelled "Let me see him, he scared and doesn't know anyone here. He's probably hungry too." I said "Fine, but you have to breast feed in front of me." He said then handed me James. "Excuse me?" I asked "You heard me." He said "Do I have do it on here?" I asked "No, let's go to your cell." He touched my butt then we walked back to my cell. "Has he ate anything in the past two days?" I asked "No." He said "Do you even remotely understand how not just children but humans in general?" I raised my voice. "Well I don't have tits." He said, I rolled my eyes then dropped the shoulder of dress so he couldn't see anything. James latched on and spent a good ten minutes eating. "Is this where I'm sleeping?" I asked "Of course not, a woman of your status shouldn't have to sleep in such a room, Olivia is just pissed." He said then lead me to a room, it was a bit smaller than Francis and I's but it was nice. "Can I get a crib for James?" I asked "There is one over there." He said "How long do my son and I need to stay here?" I asked "Until your husband pays my price." He said "And what's your price?" I asked "500,000 pounds and he relinquishes his claim to my throne." He said "He will never to that." I said "Oh yes he will, he loves you and your precious child so much." He said then kissed both my cheeks. "Get some rest, I would hate for you to become ill." He said then walked out. I laid James in with me. "Your father and I love you very much." I whispered, he smiled at me. "And no matter what happens I will protect you. You are my son, your are James Stuart Valois and you never forget that." I said, he giggled and wrapped his tiny hand around my finger and put it in his mouth. "No james." I giggled the picked him up, he laid on my chest and fell asleep. I hope Francis find us soon.

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