The Infirmary

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1 week later
Mary's point of view
"Mary." I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and saw Francis, we were laying in bed naked. "Francis." I said "I love you." He said "I love you too, but how could you do that to me?" I asked "Mary you know in your heart I didn't sleep with her." He said "What do you mean?" I asked "I'm sorry Mary I have to go." He said "No Francis please, please explain." I said then he walked out. "Francis! Francis come back!" I yelled then I woke up crying. Why am I dreaming about him? I hate Francis. That's a lie, I still love him and I hate myself for that. But I can't believe he did that. I mean the day after I lost my virginity to him he goes and sleeps with her! I'm so mad at him. I will never, ever forgive him for this. I really thought he loved me, clearly he doesn't if he was willing to cheat on me. But I still have to marry him in two weeks. He has tried to talk to me but I have told my guards not to let him in and if he comes up to me in public I turn away like he's invisible. All I pretty much have been doing is crying. I threw the necklace Francis got me for my birthday off my balcony and I felt kind of bad then I remembered what he did. Then I heard someone knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked "Francis." He replied "Go away." I yelled "Mary I'm not leaving." He said, I walked over to the door and swung it open. "What do you want?" I snapped "Mary please give me time to explain." He said "Explain how you cheated on me? Trust me I know everything you to did." I said rudely "Mary I didn't sleep with her." He said "Oh you didn't sleep with her? Funny joke." I said "Mary how did you even find out?" He asked "Well you never showed up to breakfast and you were gone the whole day and I kept trying to find you but I couldn't and then you never came to my chambers that night so the next morning I went to your chambers and Olivia opened the door wearing your shirt." I said "She said she didn't talk to you." He said "Trust me she told me a lot." I said "I'm sorry. I love you." He said, then kissed me, I slapped him. "Do not come to my chambers again and stay the hell away from me." I said then slammed the door. That asshole.
Francis's point of view
Damn it She can slap hard. But I did deserve it. But I didn't sleep with olivia. I know I didn't. She had to of drugged me. I'm a very light sleeper and I would have woken up if Mary knocked on the door. I went to Olivia's room to confront her. "Olivia opened the door." I yelled as I pounded on the door. "What?" She asked "Olivia you need to tell me the truth, did you drug me?" I asked "No of course not." She said "Olivia you had to, I know I wouldn't to that to Mary." I said "Really? Do you think your that above everyone else." She said "Olivia if your lying to me right now I will have you banished from court and shamed more than you already are." I said "Fine, fine I did it. I drugged you." She said "So we never slept together?" I asked "No" she replied "Then why would you say that?!" I asked "It wasn't my idea, it was his." She said "Who's?" I asked "I have already told you to much." She said then tried to close the door, I put my foot to block it. "No your coming with me to go tell Mary." I said "No she's not." Someone said, I went to turn around but Olivia stabbed me. I fell to the floor and everything went black.
Mary's point of view
I was signing documents at my desk when Kenna burst. "Mary!" She yelled "What's wrong?" I asked "It's Francis." She said "What about him?" I asked "He was stabbed." She said "Stabbed?!" I said "Yes they found him laying in a hall way in the north wing." She said. Olivia's chambers are in the north wing. "Where is he?" I asked "The infirmary." She said then I ran past her to the infirmary. I burst in and Francis was laying on a bed not moving, no one else was in the room. "Francis!" I rushed over to him, I held his hand but he still wasn't moving. "Francis please wake up, I need you." I said but he still didn't move, I laid next to him and put my head on his chest and cried. "Mary what are you doing?" He asked "Francis!" I said then hugged him. "Do not scare me like that again!" I said "You were worried about me." He smiled "Yes I was." I smiled "Your dying to know why I went Olivia's room aren't you?" He smiled "Yes I am." I giggled "I went to confronting s her about drugging me." He said "Drugging you?" I asked "Yes, we never slept together. She slipped sleeping potion in my drink." He said, now I really feel awful. "I'm so sorry." I said "Don't be Mary, if I actually did that you had every right to treat me that way." He said "I love you so much." He said "I love you too." I said then kissed him and got on top of him. "Owe Mary my stomach." He said "Whoops sorry, I forgot." I said "It's okay love." He said then kissed me. "How are you feeling?" I asked "Better now that your here." He said then kissed me again.

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