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I lost my inspiration for a while. I was depressed for a short time, but that's no reason to keep you away from Lynlee and Soundwave ❤️ sorry for the months-long wait. I'll try to update more often. Please,

~ Enjoy❤️
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Barely two weeks passed since she'd been captured. At least, Lynlee assumed that much time has passed. The only way she could tell time was when Soundwave would fall asleep.

At least, she hoped they had the same sleeping schedule as humans did.

The silence was hard to adjust to. Even when she occupied herself with her drawings, it was hard not to scream in the silence.

So she would sing.

It was terribly off key and pitchy, but Soundwave didn't seem to mind. In fact, the only time he would hear her singing was after he fell asleep. Lynlee would wake up every morning (or what she assumed to be morning) with Soundwave missing. She would try her best to entertain herself, before he came back hours later.

Then, he would appear out of a swirling portal, stare at her for an hour or so, and sleep. It quickly became routine. But so did the nightmares.

They came every night and scared her senseless. Tears would form in her eyes with worry. Worry for Soundwave as he fought off horrible nightmares in his sleep.

At first, he would twist and turn. The metal of his bed scraping against his own metal body was often the first thing to wake her up. His visor would grow dim, just as the crystal that he always held dearly to him would grow brighter.

Her dear mother's crystal- it would pull and tug and pulse with a light so bright Lynlee couldn't help but cover her eyes.

Yet, that wasn't the worst part. Through the scraping and glowing, she couldn't get past the screams. Horrible, terrified screams followed repeatedly by one word.


She knew he spoke little, for whatever reason, but Soundwave also spoke much during his sleep.
In her own fear, Lynlee would squeeze her eyes shut and begin to sing in attempts to block the screams.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Images of her mother would flash through her mind, easing the panic away from her voice and calming her. She could see herself now, being tucked into bed with the moonlight shining in from the window and her mother humming the tune.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free

Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night

Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night

There were nights he would settle in an instant. There were others when she would sing two or three times to calm him down.

Tonight, it was worse than it had ever been. Soundwave was having convulsions, and his helm was slapping the metal laying below him as he once again endured the slaughter of his carrier.

Through tears, Lynlee began to hum the song. She could barely get the first verse out before Soundwave's body stopped moving. His cries ceased, but the glowing crystal pointed directly at Lynlee as his visor slowly, excruciatingly, slid up.

Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at the most beautiful pair of turquoise eyes she had ever seen. They were dark, almost dangerous looking, and swirled with emotion. As if a storm was forming.

Soundwave stared down at the little human that had managed to cease the horrors he could not stop himself. Instead of watching his family being slaughtered, he had jerked awake to the sound of a voice that almost reminded him of his carriers- Perfect with all of its imperfections.

That brought forth a jumble of emotions he couldn't put into sense. Sadness, grief, joy, peace, and longing.

So much longing.

Longing for the little human who spent her time waking him up from his nightmares.

In a moments notice, Soundwave broke the one vow he pledged after his carrier was slaughtered. It wasn't the husky, pre-recorded voice of any other Decepticon that was crawling on that ship, but instead the voice came from Soundwave himself.

"Thank you."

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