46 1 0

Hayley: 7

Cody: 8

Dear Hayley,

I can't believe it's been a whole month since you moved! I miss you heaps.

Mum said I have to write this to you, and that I should ask how it's like where you live now.

I don't really want to ask you that.

I miss you heaps Hayley. You can't even think about how much you miss you. I miss you as much as an elephant ways!

I hope I get to see you soon, that you come back home for a little while.

Mummy said that this isn't your home anymore. She said that where you are now is your home. Is that true?

I don't want it to be true.

I want your home to be with me.

I love you, bestfriend.

Sincerely yours,


PS: that's what mummy said people put on the end of letters.

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