I didnt mean to•

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(Mariah's out fit in mm🤩)

Couple days later...

"Hey" I said as I attempted to hug Ace

"Where's my daughter?" He asked as he just brushed pass me

"In her room" I mumbled as I slowly walked to the couch

So much shit had been going on the past couple of days. School is hectic me and Ace aren't getting along and I have a really bad cold. I've been throwing up for like two weeks straight. Ace had went into Mariahs room and I'm guessing he's taking her out.

He had walked out her room and into the living room. I looked at Mariah and smiled.

"Morning baby" I said as I waved at her

She smiled back at me and waved. As she laid her head on Aces shoulder. Ace had sat down and Mariah was now on his lap.

"Go wash your face and brush your teeth" I told Mariah

She nodded and got up and went to do that. I sat there trying my hardest not to look at Ace. I coughed and sniffed. I grabbed the box of tissues next to me and blew my nose.

"Can you take me to the doctors?" I asked him

"Nah I got shit to do" he replied

"Okay" I mumbled

Okay Ace has been mad at me for about two days he's been ignoring my text calls And he's really rude to me sometimes. Three days ago I went to a party with Carly and some hoe at the club told Ace I was dancing with a nigga. Witch was a lie But Ace doesn't believe me.

"Get Mariah ready" Ace said as he looked at me

"Her clothes are in her dresser" I mumbled

I didn't wanna get up my body was in pain and I was just tired and wanted to sleep.

"If I wanted to fucking do it I would. But I'm asking you to so hurry up!" He said as he looked at me in annoyance

I stood up trying my hardest not to shed a tear. I walked to Mariah's room and walked inside.

"Come on baby get in the tub" I mumbled

She stood up and walked to the washroom. Well she removed her clothes I turned the water on and then went into her room. I picked out a outfit for her and then laid it out on her bed. I made my way back to the washroom and soaped her body twice. Once I was done I took her out and wrapped a towel around her I carried her to her room and put her down.

She begun to dry her body and I got the lotion. I applied it on her skin and then put on her clothes I did her hair and she was done. We walked into the living room and Ace was just sitting there.

"You ready princess?" Ace asked as he looked at Mariah

She nodded "I go church with nana?" She asked

Ace nodded. She smiled his phone then rung he answered it.


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