Fuck Kamari?•

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I woke up and I didn't see anybody laying next to me. So I got outta my bed and walked into the living room where I heard chatter

"Do you like day care?" Carly asked Mariah as she handed her a bowl of oatmeal

Mariah nodded

"Good morning" I mumbled

I was tired and my body was kinda sore.

"Morning" Carly said as she smiled at me

"Morning mommy" Mariah said as she smiled at me as well

I smiled back and walked into the washroom I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I took a quick shower when I was done I put on my affidavit pants and my matching sweater

"Okay Baby, you ready?" I asked Mariah as I put my shoes on

She nodded.

"I'm coming" Carly said as she put her shoes on as well

We all walked out the door and to the elevator. Once we got out the elevator we walked straight out the building and started walking to her daycare.

"How'd it go last night?" Carly asked me as she looked at me

"It was actually fun, my trick is to pretend that I'm in a different place somewhere I would actually wanna be. Or I pretend nobody is watching and I'm alone" I said as I thought about last night

"Well that was good, did you make lots of cash?" Carly questioned

I nodded.

"Let's stop at the bank right quick" I said as we walked into the bank

I deposited all my money that I made last night into my bank account. When we walked out the bank on the next street beside us we seen Ace and Sk. Carly spotted them of course and I didn't care if they were there or not.

"You know when he dropped me to your house he asked for your number and I was like nah she ain't a hoe because you no Ace is a big time fuck boy and They both were all like oh she clearly is a hoe if she stripping and it totally pissed me off I was like just because she is dancing doesn't mean she is a hoe there's always a story behind it whether it's good or bad" Carly said as we walked into Mariah's daycare

"Oh, okay" I mumbled

I wasn't mad because I really don't care about what people think about me especially Ace his opinion doesn't even enter my mind the only thought that matters is my own.

"Hey Kamari who's this pretty lady" Izel said as she smiled at Carly

"This is my friend Carly" I said as I smiled at Izel

"Nice to meet you I'm Izel, and hey Mariah you ready for today?" Izel asked her as she kneeled down to her

Mariah nodded and after say bye she walked away.

"So what we doing after we leave the hair salon" I asked Carly as she picked her nail colour

"Ugh you can come by my house and meet my mom" she said as she handed the lady a red nail polish

"Okay, does ya momma know you strip now" I asked as I watched the lady paint my nails white

"Ya, but even though she doesn't like it she excepts it because I'm still paying bills so" she said as she shrugged

I nodded.

I had picked Mariah up early from daycare because I was taking her to the salon to get her hair braided in lemonade braids. Me Mariah and Carly walked into the salon and waited for Joyce to be done.
Joyce was my hair stylist I think she is what inspired me to want to do hair she's always offered me a job to work with her but it's not enough cash to save for college I would half to save for about 5 years.

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