-Rexy x Reader-

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-No one can't break this bond!-

Theres these some days people comes to you and ask. "How could you handle that monster?!"

First of all shes not a monster, she's the best friend I could ever have. I'm glad that I'm with her in the first place!

Even kids come running to you and ask question like this.
"How much teeth does it have?"
"Youre lucky!"
"When I grow up I want to be just like you!"

Some of them made you smile and giggle, even more weird question they asked you.
Even Rexy enjoyed the company of you and other people, parents with their kids seeing your best friend eating goats and roaring loudly. While you give facts about T-rexs.
It made you smile seeing kids fascinated by Rexy.

When the job opened you were the first one to accepted it and the owner of this whole place showed you around and let you chosen. Of course you went with the T-rex. It appealed out to you to choose the Queen of this island. Cause you grew up with dinosaurs, it even fascinated you to love them so much.

The first day you started your job, you were scared. The negativity ran through your mind all the things could happen to you, but that didn't stop you there. Your very small positivity pushed you and became bigger. Making you brave and face to face with your new friend. The Queen herself, Rexy.

The first couple of days was harsh, even Your friend Owen asked you if you need help. You being you saying no cause you got this and always determined to make things right and make Rexy listen to you. Of course it failed and roared at you, spit in your face, while your hair flys back like a tornado picked up. But, at least you tried. You loved her no matter what.

Some days you go to Owen and watch him train is raptors. You learned a few things from him. He said this to you once, on the first day of your new job, what he said it been with you since that day.

"Its not about control, its about respect."

The next 3 weeks Rexy changed a lot into ignoring you into listening to you, she gained your trust, leading yourself into her paddock for the first time, oh boy...were you nervous. Those small negativity ran through your mind again. That's a huge step into trusting friendship!

You enter the paddock with a water hose, cause you have to wash her every once a week. You tried to water her, Rexy being herself she stomped away from you like a cat, cause she doesnt like being washed and you have to chase her down, but the hose wasnt long enough. Eventually you got her wet and washed.

When it comes to feeding you always looked away, it scares you to see her eat the goat. On the other hand you loves animals very much.

Before you leave work you always go to Rexy and say.

"I love you Rexy, see you tomorrow!" As you look over the titanium paddock fence with a huge smile on your face...

Requested by: EchonightNightlight5

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