Chapter four- The Witnesses

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I was watching as Nessie showed Benjamin her memories she truly is an amazing person inside and out to think that she could be indanger broke my unbeating heart and I could see it had the same outcome on the rest of the witnesses but hopefully the Volturi will open their eyes and realise that she is nothing but an innocent child

As everyone was talking I smelt a familiar sent as I realised who it was I ran as fast as I could to find it and of course just as I expected dumb and dumber wher busy taunting the wolf's "Could you please stop playing with the innocent little puppies and say hi, you know this some thing I never thought I woul say but I missed you baboons." I said with a grin on my face as I waited for Steven and Vladimir to respond "No one told us you'd be here other wise we would have ran the other way as fast as we could." Steven said with a smug look on his face but you could hear it was a joke "Yah well Dracula I haven't seen you in 700 hundred years so HUG NOW." I demanded even though I was only pulling his leg he hates it when people call him that,

Before I know I got pulled into a hug by Steffen and Vladimir these two morons haven't changed one bit

"Steven, Vladimir you too are along way from home I heard Carlisle say I didn't even notice when they showed up must have too rapped up in the moment before I know the rest of the cullens are there I dont even  remember what they where talking about I pretty much just tuned them out

For the rest of the time being everyone trained Alice and Jasper left a while back something about finding witnesses of their own, Kate and Garret got all lovey dovey, Ben and Amun had a fight thing, Bella learned how to project her shield and Edward finally got his ass kicked by a girl and now I'm using the photos as blackmail so now that you're all caught up time for what happens today, it's the day you've all bein waiting not the battle its Christmas yayyyyyyyyyyy

Okay so now that that's out off my system I'm going to have to go down stairs because Renesmee is gunna leave without me I don't blame her for being exited it is her first Christmas so it's my job to make it extra special

"Aunty Addy we're leaving!" I hear Ness yelling from down stairs I quickly make my way down stair with the present I got Ness in my arms "You look pretty." Nessie say with a huge smile I can't help but to smile back "Thank you buttercup." I say as I do a small bow

" I say as I do a small bow

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(Her outfit and her hair)

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(Her outfit and her hair)

"Whats that?" She asks pointing to the box in my hand "You will just have to wait and see buttercup." I say with smug grin on my face Ness  pulls me by my hand and takes me to the car she told me about how exited she was to see her grandfather

We got to a medium sized two story house Ness jumped out and lunge herself at a middle aged man with curly hair that must be Charlie he hugged her back and told her how big she had gotten

About two hours later it was time to open present Bella got her dad and his girlfriend some fishing trip thing to get them out of Forks  Jacob got made Ness this cute bracelett not to bad Jacob not to bad

After a while it was my turn "Ok Ness follow me." As I motioned for her to follow me into Bella's old room me and Bella quickly got Ness dressed in the that I got her of course she was ecstatic

" As I motioned for her to follow me into Bella's old room me and Bella quickly got Ness dressed in the that I got her of course she was ecstatic

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"I love it." She said as she looked in the mirror I led her outside to show everyone there where a lot of ooh's and aw's Sue took a few pictures "Ok so since every princess needs a tiara......" I went thru my bag and found the medium sized box I gave it to her she slowly unwrapped it as she opened the box she gave me the most heart warming smile ever you could see teara brim her eyes as she looked at it again

I gave her a smile and she ran and wrapped her arms around my neck whispering a small 'thank you'

"Let me see baby girl." Bella said Ness slowly walked over to Bella who was sitting on the couch she slowly took the tiara out of the box every one was speechless Charlie mumbled a Wow as he stared at it

" Bella said Ness slowly walked over to Bella who was sitting on the couch she slowly took the tiara out of the box every one was speechless Charlie mumbled a Wow as he stared at it

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"Its beautiful." Bella stated as she looked over to me "Its very old I saw it at jewellery shop in France a few years back it was one of a kind so when I met Ness it made me think of her since she is also one of a kind." I said as I looked at Ness a tear escaping and rolling down her cheek she hugged me one last time and told me she loved me

After that we went home and started to prepare for the fight Ness took a quick nap and I packed our bags tonight I plan on telling Renesmee who I really am

This chapter took me forever but it's finally done please comment and tell me what you think XOXO

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